Example sentences of "have grown [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 From a modest start five years ago when 30,000 tonnes were handled the business has grown to 400,000 tonnes per annum .
2 Since that time , the research department has grown to twelve , and several new partners ( for example , Peter Bryant from Eurosurvey ) have been appointed from competitors ; chief executives from major institutions like Chemical Bank — Alex Gibson — and Grand Metropolitan — Peter Ohlson — have been hired to add weight to operational skills .
3 In the past three years , the MSC 's influence , as in England , has grown considerably ; for example , the number of training workshops has grown to twelve , offering more than four times as many places as three years ago .
4 In the five years between then and mid-October 1992 , it has grown to 543 billion , having been given a significant fillip by sterling 's withdrawal from the ERM on 16 September 1992 .
5 Polls show the number of people opposed to relinquishing the mark has grown to 56 per cent without a sign that a peak has been reached .
6 From a staff of three the company has grown to 50 ; it publishes 400 titles a year ( 60 in the first year ) .
7 In the five years since the Inspector made his first appearance , the audience has grown to seven hundred and fifty million people worldwide .
8 The population recorded in the late 19th century was 305 and today has grown to 2,370 .
9 Under the bonnet the old flat-four has grown to 2.2 litres , though a 1.8 version is still available .
10 Not all have been successful ( and some have been only partly designated ) , but the list has grown since 1980 ( figure 5.4 ) .
11 Seefeld has grown into one of the Tyrol 's largest and most popular resorts , and it 's not hard to see why .
12 They now have Soviet-made SAM anti-aircraft rockets and AK-47 automatic rifles , and their air force has grown from one ancient DC-3 transport called the Rusty Pelican to a small fleet of light planes and copters …
13 The bulk import business has grown from 45,000 tonnes in 1989 to 243,000 tonnes in 1992 with animal feed , milling wheat and malting barley being the main commodities .
14 Helped by a couple of purchases north of the Border , the chain has grown from 130 at the beginning of 1992 to 209 now , with operating profits leaping from just £700,000 in 1991 to £4.9 million last year .
15 Bangladesh , suffering a 15% per annum population migration to the cities , coupled with a population which has grown from 75 million to 90 million over the past decade is a further example .
16 In four years , he has grown from 16 staff to 40 , and plans to add at least 10 a year for the next three years .
17 At the time of writing , the church has grown from sixteen adults two years ago to a regular attendance of over 100 .
18 The number of exhibitors has grown from seventeen to twenty-three , and the range of works , previously top heavy with French eighteenth-century and Flemish drawings , is now dominated by modern and contemporary .
19 Now the political culture of the time was such that the political system which actually emerged is rather different from that which some of the people who went to Philadelphia thought would emerge and that really reflects a number of changes , one that America has grown from four million to two hundred and fifty million , two , from being isolated , remote and scattered the population has consolidated and grown , America has become a vast industrial power as opposed to a , an agricultural nation and all these have had their impact upon the importance and scope of government .
20 The number of trusts has grown from 493 in 1980 to 1379 in 1989 , with many commentators predicting a certain degree of rationalisation in the 1990's , although there is no evidence of this as yet .
21 The number claiming help with their rent jumped from 1.4 million to 5 million , and the number gaining help with their rates has grown from 3 million to over 7 million ( again , there is an overlap between these two groups ) .
22 Only one in 500 engineers in the UK is a woman and progress is much slower than in the US where the percentage has grown from 0–2 in the 1960s , when the Civil Rights movement stirred , to 10 per cent and is growing apace .
23 The size of the group has grown from 16,000 to 28,000 staff as its operations have expanded .
24 Since the turn of the century , it has grown from 50,000 people to 14 million .
25 It 's good news for the workforce , which has grown from 6 when the factory opened in 1987 , to 24 today .
26 It 's good news for the workforce , which has grown from 6 when the factory opened in 1987 , to 24 today .
27 The stock of dwellings has increased from 19.415 million in 1973 to 21.494 million in 1983 , while population in the same period has grown from 54.671 million to 54.804 million .
28 The thrushes are thought to be harmed by consuming slugs and snails which have been treated with molluscicides , whose use has grown by 900 per cent in recent years .
29 Wayne LaPierre , the NRA 's executive vice-president , gave a stirring speech , pointing out that the organisation 's membership has grown by 600,000 in the past 18 months , to more than 3m .
30 To put it into perspective , let me point out that since 1988 the German economy has grown by 10 per cent .
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