Example sentences of "have applied the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Laing has applied the Montgomery approach to business .
2 Panov ( 1979 b ) has applied the generation method of Geroch ( 1971 ) , described in Section 12.3 , to obtain a non-colinear solution from a colinear one .
3 Where a club has applied the section , the secretary must notify the licensing board for the area of any alteration to , reconstruction of or extension to , that part of the premises where the main meal is provided .
4 The author ( 1976 ) has applied the method to the solution of the lamellar stack problem referred to earlier in the chapter above and to the problem of the distribution of stress in a highly anisotropic plate subject to end-loads and discussed in the following chapter ( Figure 5.1 . )
5 By a notice of appeal dated 24 December 1991 the local authority appealed with leave of the judge on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law or misdirected himself as to the criteria to be applied to the decision whether leave should be granted in respect of an application by a former foster parent ; ( 2 ) the judge should have applied the test whether ( a ) there were quite exceptional circumstances disclosed necessitating the ousting of the local authority and the consequent discharge of the care order , and ( b ) there was a real likelihood that the applicant could persuade the court to adopt that course and ( c ) such a course was in the interests of the children ; ( 3 ) alternatively , if the judge had adopted the correct test , his exercise of his discretion had been plainly wrong in that he had failed to give any or sufficient weight to ( a ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation , ( b ) the fact that if residence orders were made the care order would be discharged , ( c ) the shared responsibility between the foster mother and the mother resulting from section 12(2) of the Act of 1989 , ( d ) the fact that the foster mother 's proper remedy was her application for judicial review , and ( e ) the wishes of the children and the mother .
6 If the will had been there and secure accommodation and prison accommodation had been available , I suggest that magistrates would have applied the law in the way that was intended when that legislation was passed .
7 The Court said that Savory Milln may have felt some anxiety and even suspicion as to how Mr Ferriday had arranged for the £13.5m to be paid on his behalf , but it was going too far to say that any honest and reasonable man would have inferred that Mr Ferriday had misappropriated Eagle 's money in gross breach of his duty as a director or that any honest and reasonable man would not have applied the money , as Savory Milln did , in discharge of sub-underwriting liabilities until he had been satisfied that the monies were properly paid .
8 The driver could have applied the brake but because of a defective ratchet , for instance , the brake could have slipped and as a result would not be effectively set .
9 Margaret Thatcher is supposed to have applied the acid test of ‘ Is he one of us ? ’ when making her senior appointments .
10 One convert to Darwin 's theory , Henry Baker Tristram , who had applied the concept of natural selection to larks and chats in the Sahara desert , was actually deconverted as he witnessed the debate !
11 ( For previous four accessions in 1987-88 see p. 36508 ; three of those four countries concerned had applied the GATT provisions on a de facto basis since the achievement of independence and were able to accede by simple declaration . )
12 Turning to indirect discrimination under section l(l) ( b ) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 the Industrial Tribunal had applied the defence that the condition was justifiable on account of the reasonable needs of the employer 's business using the test formulated by Eveleigh LJ in Ojutiku and Obuzuni v Manpower Services Commission [ 1982 ] ICR 661 .
13 But this time there 'd been an unfortunate accident — the worker had been distracted and had applied the blow torch to a pipe opening just as the varnish was starting to flow .
14 On the one hand they rediscovered the nineteenth century jurisprudence which had applied the principle to a broad spectrum of interests and a wide variety of decision-makers .
15 Russia in 1917 had indeed been ripe for socialist revolution ; Lenin had applied the science of society with brilliant precision ; and under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism the party had provided unfailing leadership of the working masses from that day to this .
16 It was held that the Ford Motor Company had applied the trade description ‘ new ’ since the car was supplied in response to a request containing an indirect indication of that description and , in the words of section 4(3) , it was ‘ reasonable to infer that the goods [ were ] supplied as goods corresponding to that trade description . ’
17 The stringency with which the courts have applied the criteria of relevancy has varied in different areas and there has been an unwillingness to declare invalid administrative decisions simply because the applicant could point to one ‘ relevant ’ factor which the authority did not take into account .
18 It emerges from this case law that Article 190 requires that regulations , directives , and decisions should contain a statement of the reasons which led the institution to adopt them , so as to make possible a review by the Court of Justice and so that the Member States and the nationals concerned may have knowledge of the conditions under which the Community institutions have applied the Treaty .
19 But , as yet , few linguists have applied the insights from conversation analysis to functionalist studies of linguistic structure .
20 Freedberg ( 1989 ) has shown how social workers have applied the principle in different ways at different times .
21 Where a person is deprived of some status as a result of allegations , the courts have applied the rules on the basis that there is a legitimate expectation of a hearing .
22 This is important to stress , because the tradition of over.selling still persists in some quarters and it is possible to find extravagantly foolish predictions and claims within the educational technology literature , which will be a considerable embarrassment to the many sensible and imaginative teachers who have applied the method and found it helpful to them .
23 So , if you have applied the paint using a sponge and there is a lot of detail , successive layers of colour over the top will not dissolve the existing paint .
24 I have applied the term ‘ ventriloquism ’ , in this book , to the fictions of Peter Ackroyd and Kingsley Amis .
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