Example sentences of "have to work [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , anybody working in a pub , a cafe , a restaurant , a tea shop , a cinema , or serving food or drink of any type has to work at all those times .
2 Cos he has to work at five o'clock each morning .
3 But Leonard is not of that cloth ; his nature is obsessive ; what he does , he must do with abandon ; he has to work in total conviction , and dedication .
4 This means that the clinical teacher has to work in many different wards .
5 For her part , however , the clinical teacher has to work in many wards , and is unable to become expert in any one speciality .
6 But Jarvis 's greatest pleasure came from knowing that this line , whose builders had had to work in compressed air because of the high water-table in downtown San Francisco , passed through the rock under the deepest bay in the world .
7 Obviously interpreted your er But I think we 'll have to work towards that and I I agree Sue I think there 's two ways either saying , you know , we don we do it for everything , or
8 In 1989 it was planned that doctors would have to work to new contracts , under which their pay would be more clearly related to the number of patients .
9 If your programme is like many we have seen , you will probably have more than 10 lectures per week , and you will have to work with greater efficiency and use more of the available 36 hours .
10 I why do I have to work with that grid ?
11 Employing the wrong people will be a waste of your and ? or your company 's time and assets , and will put pressure on existing staff who may have to work with unsatisfactory newcomers .
12 So it is a major problem , this communication , and so we do have to work with local authorities , with teacher organisations , anyone who can help us in this task .
13 There will be an increasing need for specialist staff who will have to work with departmental management in determining whether or not they and their staff have been successful in producing the level and quantity of service required by those who formulate policy .
14 However , the counsellor will have to work with older people whose lives have already been deeply affected by the problems of ageing , and this will require all the skills and insight of looking into individual feelings and attitudes already outlined in Part 1 .
15 My plan assumed that I would have to work for these by actively seeking ideas .
16 We will need , we we 'll have to work on this which will involve the philosophy of having er perhaps a joint statement and perhaps on putting a short personal statement in .
17 It made me realize I 'd actually have to work on these aspects .
18 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
19 ‘ Which means we do n't have to work at all , ’ Aidan said cheerfully .
20 You do n't have to work at all . "
21 This means there will be time to get everything down but that your brain will have to work at full speed and concentration to analyse all the words .
22 I 'll just , I 'll have to work till later man .
23 Writing the software was somewhat tedious , but having to work at this level did help the designers to get away from preconceptions about interaction which they might have had if they had been working within the input/output facilities provided by a conventional mini or mainframe operating system ( for example , that it needs a RETURN to terminate user input or that the operating system can properly handle the echoing of characters to the terminal ) .
24 That of course puts a heavy burden on all of us , constrained as we are by having to work in underfunded , hard-pressed organisations pitted against monstrously powerful vested interests , and struggling often against ignorance and indifference at the same time .
25 This meant having to work in hard labour , alongside her husband and possibly children , in order to support her family .
26 Having to work from different angles makes it extremely difficult to maintain an even symmetry throughout the design , and it is therefore not surprising that nomadic rugs sometimes contain motifs of slightly varying sizes ; the fact that so many are perfectly balanced and symmetrical is a glowing testament to the weavers ' skill .
27 Let's say then , I just , I used to have to work on eleven appointments a week because if I had eleven appointments a week , two people would perhaps blow me out , change their minds , two people would rearrange , two people would say no thank you , and another two would say , yes , but I need to do it next month , which might leave me with two sales .
28 It was a monstrous way to have to work in such a complex field .
29 Children used to have to work in dreadful conditions , in factories and mines .
30 Another imaginative gesture was the gift of 6 pairs of sturdy , warm mittens , for those who had to work with rusty iron trestles or out in the cold .
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