Example sentences of "have obviously be a " in BNC.

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1 There has obviously been a conscious decision and determination on his part to make his life a fulfilment of prophetic utterance .
2 There had obviously been a couple of heated arguments , probably to do with the artistic … you know , you get bored with something that you 've done before and you 're working on a new project , and I think he thought that having to wear a suit as opposed to his choice of stage gear can be very nerve-racking .
3 At a personal level the visit had obviously been a great success , but Napoleon III came away without any specific extension of the Entente and he left the British Ministers unconvinced of his desire for peace and stability in Europe .
4 As they taxied in , Myeloski decided he would not comment on what had obviously been a most difficult landing with a lucky outcome .
5 The first sessions had obviously been a useful learning experience for all concerned .
6 He could smell the drink ; it had obviously been a heavy session .
7 Of course , Jessamy 's arrival on the scene as Julius 's fiancée had obviously been a major crisis .
8 For it had obviously been a palace once , the high Gothic arches of the medieval windows and the carved stone Romeo-and-Juliet balconies giving it a fairy-tale air .
9 And it had been little comfort to realise — since he clearly could n't be bothered to even make the effort to get in touch with her — that her marriage had obviously been a disastrous mistake from the very beginning .
10 There certainly were n't any racial taunts , so there 's obviously been a misunderstanding there . ’
11 ‘ There 's obviously been a mistake somewhere , ’ Dr. Ray was saying .
12 There 's obviously been a misunderstanding there , a lack of communication or whatever , but whereas some departments have got to grips with the issue , unfortunately police wor finance working party just stuck to the traditional way , rather reminiscent of Mr 's old budget working party days , which does n't get to grips with the real needs and the real costs .
13 It 's just been such , it 's obviously been a thing that affected the whole community
14 Erm , but it 's obviously been a very trying time for them .
15 ‘ Instead she has , in effect , admitted that the problems have obviously been a major topic of conversation at the highest level . ’
16 Tt er and i in a sense there 's kind of been an upward trend in terms of progression through that , that reform but within that there have obviously been a number of and in a sense what we 've been coming to terms with is , is what has been causing those , those variations , those changes in that policy .
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