Example sentences of "have provided for the " in BNC.

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1 Again , quite usefully , such classifications will throw into relief the difficulty in television of generalizing across national systems in the absence of the kind of international standard which classical Hollywood cinema has provided for the understanding of cinema .
2 The statute has provided for the creation of a Tribunal with very little power .
3 This looks almost inescapably like a type of variation according to the referential category represented by the noun — i.e. not really a matter of syntactic relation at all — and this impression is strengthened by his further remark , " Having provided for the two extremes of referent-modification and reference-modification , we can now assess the blending that frequently — perhaps more often than not — takes place between the two . "
4 Having provided for the acquisition of an outgoing partner 's share , the partners must determine what restrictions should be put on him to prevent any action of his eroding the value of that share .
5 Indeed , the Home Secretary , Mr Leon Brittan , took great pride in the fact that , unlike any of its predecessors , the Conservative Government had provided for the first time a clear and comprehensive statutory framework for the interception of communications .
6 More importantly still , it had provided for the first time an ‘ effective ’ means of redress for those wishing to complain that interception has been improperly authorized .
7 Taylor urged that the Irish be made to learn English and he discouraged the study of the Irish language , whereas earlier and wiser bishops had provided for the use of the Bible and prayer Book in the vernacular .
8 Holbrecht 's street plans had provided for the planning of living quarters , i.e. the planning of Baublocke and of the buildings in these blocks .
9 ( 1 ) The Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Bill would give blacks equal property rights , and would repeal the Group Areas Act of 1966 , the Land Acts of 1913 and 1936 restricting black farming to 13 per cent of the country , and the Black Communities Development Act , which had provided for the establishment of black townships .
10 The outgoing criminal code had provided for the death penalty for 18 kinds of crimes .
11 In short what you should aim to create in a dining room is a special atmosphere within a very practical framework , so when you 've provided for the basics you can add to the mood with window treatments , interesting lighting and decorative tricks to make the room as comfortable , as functional and as good looking as you can .
12 Parliament could by legislation have provided for the revocation or variation of an injunction , but did not do so in section 39 .
13 We have provided for the transfer of further education and sixth form colleges to a new sector , which will be funded directly by new further education funding councils in England and Wales .
14 The initiative , instigated by the Association of Small and Medium-sized Farmers , would , if approved , have provided for the present heavy government agricultural subsidies to be allocated exclusively to family-run farms .
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