Example sentences of "have paid [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The business to which the goods are sold ( if it is registered for VAT ) , when it makes its return to Customs and Excise , claims back the VAT which it has paid on the goods , which is known as the input tax .
2 Airtours will not say how much it has paid for the leases , though it claims to have secured good terms because of the uncertain travel market .
3 Now the Fondazione Memmo has paid for the sculptures to be cleaned and they are on display in the Palazzo Ruspoli , Rome , until 30 April .
4 This has paid for the first phase of development and is entirely owned by a group of Japanese businesspeople plus Francis Charig , formerly head of trading systems business at the London Stock Exchange , who acts as managing director and the link between TK and Tao Systems .
5 This has paid for the first phase of development and is entirely owned by a group of Japanese businesspeople plus Francis Charig , formerly head of trading systems business at the London Stock Exchange , who acts as managing director and the link between TK and Tao Systems .
6 The government has paid for the restructuring of the Villahermosa Palace to house the collection ; it is guaranteeing any short-fall in the running costs after entrance fees are collected ; it is paying $6 million rent a year , index-linked , for the collection ; it has introduced an indemnity scheme to cover the works of art , and has given the Baron and Baroness the last word on how the collection is to be administered during the ten years of the loan , at the end of which the collection is handed back , with exemption from Spain 's otherwise very restrictive art export laws .
7 If we assume that the customer has paid for the goods then the first entries would have been to increase the bank by £600 and include in the profit and 1088 account sales of £600 .
8 A woman retiring at 60 will get a lower pension from a PP than a man would at 65 , even if she has paid in the same amount over the same number of years .
9 She 'd looked at me a bit strange , the woman in charge of the Bed-and-Breakfast , but I 'd paid on the nail and ordered in my refined accent , ‘ And a cooked breakfast , please ’ — so no hassle .
10 It really went to show that God was good ; when you 'd paid for the things you did and you were really sorry , He gave you something good to make it up to you .
11 He would then enquire how much I 'd paid for the latest irreparable objects , and if it had been 20p or less he 'd say , with satisfaction , ‘ Well , at least it had a decent plug ’ , and the decent plug would go into the decent plug box .
12 And he could n't do it , because , the pair of them , I mean , that was , that business was supporting his mother as well and between them , after they 'd paid for the petrol , they were taking in less than a hundred pounds a week and that was for the two of them .
13 Even though that share seemed to fall over time , as claims were settled , the $170m insurers spent in such unproductive ways in 1989 alone would have paid for the treatment of 15 sites .
14 The advantage of this scheme is that you do n't need to remember to save the money which you would have paid to the Government later on !
15 Only sign agreements once you have checked how long the repayments continue and the total you will have paid by the end , as well as the amount you pay per month .
16 As a result , solicitors argue that managers should not take commission on what the artist is being paid each night , but on the money the band earns as profit after having paid for the PA , lights , accommodation and other expenses .
17 The middle classes would serve sour cheap wine but exotic foods and the band would eat whatever the guests ate , but not for long : the hosts having paid for the band to play , not to eat .
18 If it can not be proved wrong , then the scientist will conclude that there is a causal law in operation , and will advise farmers , who are likely to have paid for the research , of this .
19 Churches which escaped are likely to have paid for the privilege : the raiders had threatened to destroy Christ Church in 994 unless they were given a sum promised them by Archbishop Sigeric .
20 ‘ Well , you know what my mother 's always saying : everything in life has to be paid for , and you 've paid for the happiness that 's going to be yours in the future .
21 Alice said , " We 've paid for the gas boiler , for a lot of cable , for tools , for wood , for glass . "
22 Cos you 've paid for the
23 You lose the money you 've paid for the site !
24 ‘ I assume you made it worth her while in other ways , but obviously I failed to discover from her own fair lips how much you thought she was worth , and I 'm damned sure you wo n't admit how much you 've paid over the odds for her favours . ’
25 That 's why it used to say please ignore this letter if you 've paid in the last few days .
26 His accounts at the Exchequer in 1208 for the past six-and-a-half years showed that he had paid into the royal coffers out of the Forest revenues sums totalling £9,399. 9s. 10d. , with outstanding arrears of £5,569. 17s. ½d .
27 In the morning , when it was time to leave , he had paid at the desk with the American Express card Woodward had given him .
28 In the past Coleby had paid over the odds for things he wanted .
29 Before the order of Nolan J. was made Woolwich had paid to the revenue sums totalling £56,998,221 claimed by way of tax for the period before 6 April 1986 .
30 In Dew v. Parsons ( 1819 ) 2 B. & Ald. 562 an attorney was held entitled to set off against a claim by a sheriff the excess amount which he had paid to the sheriff for the issue of warrants over what the sheriff was legally entitled to charge .
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