Example sentences of "have brought [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm not saying I did n't lift my arm and I 'm sorry for the embarrassment it has brought on the club and our supporters .
2 If amendment ( a ) is not carried , the Minister can not say that he has brought forward the new clause as a concession to the Opposition .
3 The British government has brought forward the target date for reducing the level of carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels from 2005 to 2000 .
4 Er not relative not relative poverty because obviously the tide of prosperity has brought up the living standards of er the western world .
5 The 14-year-old civil war between the government and Jonas Savimbi 's Unita rebels has brought about the collapse of the oil-rich Angolan economy , the story goes , and turned Luanda , once called the Rio de Janeiro of Africa , into one of the continent 's dirtiest capitals .
6 That kind of people power has brought about the result today . ’
7 What has brought about the change in Mr Gorbachev ?
8 Abortion is a political act , and as a simple act of Parliament has brought about the slaughter , so only by a political action can the law be changed to stop it . ’
9 In recent years , the growth in commerce and industry has brought about the ‘ in-house ’ legal adviser who provides legal advice to the company .
10 The ACPO in Scotland , as also in England and Wales , has made a policy decision about sponsored events which has brought about the above situation .
11 You then have to ask yourself the question , If there is n't any Government , if there is n't any er local development pressure of any substance which has brought about the need for this policy , has there been some sort of quantum change in Government policy which has necessitated that we give emphasis to this particular issue .
12 Changing that attitude has brought about the biggest improvement in the team . ’
13 Each change induces subtle adjustments and the heavier bat has brought about the introduction of the early pick-up with some resultant technical deficiencies .
14 An alteration in circumstances concerning 4–7 of the above reasons has brought about the situation found since the mid 1980's , when there has been a lack of growth .
15 Whether offensive or defensive strategies are being reassessed , the Gulf War has brought home the fact that automation has become the cornerstone of virtually all new military systems — so much so that we are moving steadily towards a fully automated battlefield .
16 Once again the conference has brought home the value of sharing knowledge between the lifeboat services around the world .
17 The capping has brought down the poll tax bill in the borough to £339.22 , a reduction of nearly £14 .
18 Somehow working with a young cast in Dublin has brought out the best in Parker as a director to create the film that is already being talked about as the best rock movie in years .
19 But at least in introducing the 1983 Annual Report a few months later he announced with pride ‘ Your Committee has brought out the Bondholders ! ’
20 FANS of the hit TV drama FOREVER GREEN should note that Castle Video has brought out the entire first series in a double-tape set ( Pounds 19.99 ) .
21 How excellent to see that Sinead has brought out the closet intellectual and spiritual in all of you .
22 Peter Storm seems to have broken out of its slightly down-market image and has brought out the Microlite Mountain jacket ( £105 ) using its own breathable and waterproof MVT coating .
23 Barbour has brought out the flyweight Durham jacket ( £90 ) which , despite the description , is harder wearing but heavier than most of the other jackets I have tested .
24 Soldiers in the front line of industrial strife David Fairhall on the discreet arrangement that has brought in the troops .
25 Michael Heseltine enjoys grand gestures and has no intention of allowing the Labour Party ( which has brought in the architect Sir Richard Rogers as its adviser ) to make all the running where the debate on the future of London is concerned .
26 Day Two of the International Trials at Blenheim has brought in the big names … but has n't brought a change in the lead …
27 Indeed , far from destroying the agreement between the ANC and the government of President F.W. de Klerk on the broad shape of a power-sharing future , the Hani murder may have brought closer the date of the election for a constitutional assembly to replace the present parliament .
28 You will see we have brought forward the first meeting to 23rd September — to help you get in the mood and inspired to start teaching at the beginning of the new term .
29 Yet it does not occur to them that God might have brought about the defeat as an act of judgement upon them , and unlike Joshua and the elders in the story of Ai in Joshua 7 , they do not bother to turn to God to discover his mind .
30 Although the Schlieffen Plan , if faultlessly executed , might just have brought about the fall of France , in the event it failed because Moltke depleted , rather than strengthened , his right flank , and because , at the crucial moment , he lost his nerve .
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