Example sentences of "have said in a " in BNC.

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1 As a group of German doctors has said in a letter to The Lancet , the AIDS epidemic does not even indicate a new infectious agent but ‘ merely the introduction of an old pathogen into a group whose promiscuous lifestyles would ensure rapid spread ’ .
2 ‘ You can come up and look around , ’ Digby has said in a personal message to the Ayatollah , ‘ he 's not here .
3 It was n't what I wanted — even then I did n't feel it was right to get Ebert thrown out of the force for something he 'd said in a heated moment .
4 The use of robots in manufacturing industry is an often-quoted example of job destruction ( or , as we might have said in a more optimistic era , job saving ) .
5 With this one exception , he said in many pages what Lanfranc had said in a few sentences .
6 ‘ Then we 'll have Jennifer and Christopher , ’ my mother had said in a barely controlled fury .
7 As he had said in a lecture delivered in Dublin in 1936 , ‘ I have myself no capacity whatever for abstract thought or indeed for any sort of thinking ’ ( the Southern Review , October 1985 ) .
8 On May 7 , at the end of a visit to Washington , Biya had said in a radio interview that presidential elections would be held before the end of the year .
9 The changes were necessary , Walesa had said in a speech to the Sejm , to strengthen executive authority .
10 The Prime Minister had said in a Commons written reply : ‘ The Government will pay increases of 1.5 per cent to doctors and dentists , nursing staff , midwives and health visitors , professions allied to medicine and the armed forces with effect from 1 April . ’
11 ‘ Both euthanasia and Hitler 's extermination projects have the same end , ’ Mr Sgreccia had said in a radio interview .
12 Urueu-Wau-Wau indian leaders have said in a statement to Survival International that they can no longer tolerate the invasion of miners and loggers on to their land .
13 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
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