Example sentences of "have ever been to " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who has ever been to a similar school will know exactly what I mean .
2 His job was to go out into the bush to take samples and he found it the most unspoilt area on Earth he has ever been to , areas the size of Wales in which no white man has ever set foot .
3 I do n't think any MP has ever been to the monetary system to ask for a couple of million pounds , actually .
4 It was an all-night show , the first I 'd ever been to .
5 If you 'd ever been to a party at the Linleys you 'd understand .
6 The Chairman of Orkney Island Council Social Work Committee , Councillor Mairhi Trickett denied that any members of her department had ever been to any courses or seminars on the subject of ritual or satanic abuse .
7 It was the most marvellous party Constance had ever been to .
8 It was the first funeral I had ever been to where there was genuine laughter .
9 ‘ Friends , many of them believers , came up afterwards and said it was the most beautiful funeral they had ever been to .
10 The only dances she had ever been to had been school dances , and she wanted to go to this one .
11 But very few had ever been to sea or had any desire to do so or had anything in common with seamen .
12 Sylvie had come the closest she had ever been to begging .
13 Nick 's friends wrote that it was the best party they had ever been to , a truly unforgettable occasion .
14 None of their friends or family had ever been to university .
15 He asked her , smiling over the top of his glass , if she had ever been to bed with a man and when she said ‘ not exactly ’ he had burst out laughing and touched her cheek with one strong brown hand .
16 If you 've ever been to one of their live performances , you will find the band , yourself and the whole of the crowd jumping around like it was a punk reunion .
17 I do n't know whether you 've ever been to Russia , Mr Millet , I have .
18 And the closest I 've ever been to the slopes is flying over Switzerland .
19 To me it 's the unhappiest house I 've ever been to .
20 Leeds 2 Leicester 1 — This is probably the most memorable game I 've ever been to .
21 ‘ As I told you last night , this is the only time I 've ever been to Venice . ’
22 I do n't think I 've ever been to , quite pleasant .
23 For tea , like breakfast , is a great British forte , and one of the most charming weddings I have ever been to in Britain took place at teatime .
24 We sat on a tree that had been felled and ate some very tasty ham sandwiches -one of the few picnics I have ever been to .
25 This is the closest we have ever been to getting Ben back .
26 Sam Fawcett used to keep a stuffed one in a glass case , which is the nearest I have ever been to one .
27 ‘ Neither of you have ever been to Harrods ’ sale , ’ said Apricot .
28 I do n't know if any of you have ever been to Newcastle before — if not , I 'd be happy to meet you at the station , or wherever , ( as long as it 's not too early in the morning ! ! ) , take you for a drink , and show you how to get to the ground .
29 I rarely go to her house and I do n't think she 's ever been to my flat , but our friendship is very much part of our working lives .
30 That 's all there 's ever been to it .
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