Example sentences of "have been present [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This dilemma has been present since the beginnings of institutionalized literary study .
2 An experienced general manager has been retained in a consultancy role and has been present on practically all the visits to units since August 1991 .
3 Even if the mastitis has been present for more than 24 hours antibiotics are not used , but a cure takes longer .
4 These complications are only likely to set in if the infection has been present for some time , and this is only likely to happen if the infection is an asymptomatic one .
5 Before turning to the detail of the debate , my hon. Friend the Minister of State for Health , who has been present for most of the debate , has asked me to apologise to the House on her behalf for the fact that she could not stay throughout .
6 In all cases , however , Standard English has been present for long enough to have had a substantial impact on the language practices of the communities in question .
7 Oxygen itself has been present in significant amounts in the atmosphere for only about two and a half billion years — just over half the total life of our planet ; and there had already been a billion years of evolution before that .
8 ask God to show you how he has been present in your life today , in you and others .
9 Liver fluke is not and never has been present in the islands .
10 A positive test result means that antibodies have been found and means that HIV has been present in the body .
11 Sponsorship forms will then be sent which should be signed by a sponsor who has been present in the Royal Enclosure for at least eight years .
12 They will require a sponsor who has been present in the Royal Enclosure for eight years .
13 It has been present from the beginning as a primitive rhythm , that element associated with the ‘ auditory imagination ’ of poetry , and so with the savage in the jungle and his gods , ‘ His rhythm was present in the nursery bedroom …
14 Her concern with the development of children 's thinking has been present from the start of her academic career , when she was considerably influenced by the European School , and notably Piaget .
15 Preliminary observations on Harris ( Birks , unpublished ) suggest that local glaciers may have been present during the stadial in some of the valleys around Clisham , Ullaval , Tirga Mor , and Uisgnaval More .
16 The seaside photographer who promises ‘ Memories to treasure ’ with every happy snap might have been present at every major golfing occasion in the Eighties as the players of the age showed their capacity for repeating and exceeding the highwater marks of the very recent past .
17 Strip examination revealed that this was the result of slight corrosion on the contacts , and the evidence suggested that this may well have been present at the time of the accident .
18 HIV may have been present for centuries in a relatively harmless form and only recently evolved into a more damaging one .
19 None of the overtones of subordination and all the rest of it would have been present to the Hebrew .
20 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
21 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
22 A gene which causes its carrier to forgo reproduction in favour of raising relatives will increase in frequency in the population if the number of replicas of the gene in those relatives is greater than the number which would have been present in its own offspring .
23 Some of those qualities appear to have been inherited by Frederick 's youngest son Herbert and , as already mentioned , some of them may have been present in Frederick 's uncle William .
24 Such looms may have been present in every household .
25 For example , we have the form of expression ‘ when I said ‘ Napoleon was crowned in 1804 ’ I meant the man who won the battle of Austerlitz' and we are inclined to interpret the use of the past tense ‘ meant ’ as meaning that the idea of Napoleon having won the battle of Austerlitz must have been present in the speaker 's mind when he said that Napoleon was crowned in 1804 .
26 However , if raising of /a/ is so well established in BV velar environments , the tendency to front-raising may formerly have been present in both BV and EModE in other environments also , receding from these environments before receding from the velars .
27 As a consequence it might have been present in the putative progenitors of mitochondria .
28 But just as Geertz 's textually absent wife must have been present in reality , contributing to Geertz encounter with the Balinese , so women are also present in Balinese society though they may be absent from cockfighting .
29 Such phenomena may have been present in three of our patints , in whom a slight bile acid malabsorption was found with the SeHCAT test , but in whom there was no increase in bile acid synthesis by the liver .
30 I , too , wish to apologise to the House for not having been present at the start of this debate .
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