Example sentences of "have been thinking about " in BNC.

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1 The whole idea that he 'd been thinking about since Christmas seemed pointless all of a sudden .
2 She 'd had a fever since last night , and all day at school he 'd been thinking about her .
3 She had n't known until Sir Philip mentioned it at dinner last night that I 'd been thinking about marrying her .
4 He 'd been thinking about her , but he did n't want it to show .
5 She 'd been thinking about becoming a nun but she could n't be with a baby .
6 I 'd been thinking about this all the way back to London .
7 She 'd been thinking about something , or somebody , else .
8 you know there was I 've got a policy er here that I can take out and you took it and then that was it and you spent the rest of the time talking about this one policy whereas , because you 'd been thinking about that one , there may have been others that you may have been able to disturb her about or erm you know if she had other member of the family or education , whatever , there was , there was other areas that maybe you could 've brought up or gone back to anyway .
9 He should n't have been thinking about things like that at his age ! ’
10 Well , by April 1982 , surely the Cabinet should have been thinking about it .
11 But with the Official Custodian sending back these investments , the trustees will have to think of what they should have been thinking about years ago : management of their trust funds . ’
12 The word ‘ championship ’ , however , no matter how much he may have been thinking about it privately , I did not hear from him until much later in the year , when the scales began to tip in his favour .
13 She should have been thinking about the boys ' tea , and about Frederick 's dinner .
14 No and we 'd got three young girls , new , new girls and I saw those and I must have been thinking about Mandy and the car because they said something about oh when we leave we 're all going on a picnic to and I think it was Kettering or quite some time aw some
15 Cabochon , however , had been thinking about it deeply .
16 She had been thinking about her future and discussing it with her parents , and all of them had decided to sell the shop .
17 For the last few hours he had been thinking about James and Kate and the rest of the Mollands , the Salpertons and the Redburns ; and it would not have shocked him if any or all of them who were still alive had turned up unannounced at Number 29 .
18 The government had been thinking about ways for the administration to maintain some degree of control over the colonies since the mid-1650s ; in 1675 Charles set up the first organization to establish any record of continuity , a sign that his possessions overseas were settling down into some sort of discernible order .
19 Balmer had been thinking about the spectral lines from hydrogen .
20 He had been thinking about the Doctor 's earlier words , that he should get used to obeying Henri , and had come to the conclusion that doing as he said no longer suited him .
21 He had been thinking about buying Lyn a kitten for her birthday , and as he came up to the great dolmen , had paused to look at it for the thousandth time , he had seen the bundle on the ground .
22 The first thing he had thought of when he awoke that morning was that it was his mother 's birthday , 25 May , and he had been thinking about it ever since , as he always did on that day .
23 The sergeant saw her eyes were dim with sadness and he guessed she had been thinking about her former husband .
24 Jessamy had been thinking about it while she had been waiting for Julius to return with the blankets , and she thought she knew the answer .
25 It was delicious to be close to Alain , to belong to him , to know that all the time she had been alone he had been thinking about her .
26 It annoyed her even more that his continuing aristocratic demeanour disappointed her after the way she had been thinking about him .
27 She had been thinking about nothing else except this phone call for days now , wrestling with the conflict of emotions that were raging inside .
28 He said abruptly , rather as if he had been thinking about something quite different all the time Nick had been talking — ‘ She may be a little upset , I 'm afraid .
29 Night after sleepless night , her mother had been thinking about her , while Carolyn slept deep black sleeps and tried to keep her head empty .
30 But I 've been thinking about next week .
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