Example sentences of "have been subject [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not saying she has been subject to a temptation to exaggerate , but I merely remind you of those matters which can exist in relation to a woman 's evidence . ’
2 Since the directive came into force in July last year only one fish farming application has been subject to an environmental assessment : a plan last October by Marine Harvest for salmon cages in Lamlash bay on the island of Arran .
3 The approach of the police to the investigation of rape cases has been subject to much criticism — and then to considerable improvement — and it seems quite possible that these improvements , together with the advent of rape-crisis centres and victim-support facilities , have led more women to report rapes than did so formerly .
4 And yet in this area , too , Karajan has been subject to rebarbative questioning and criticism , not least on the grounds that an interest in technology is somehow incompatible with a man 's credibility as a performing musician .
5 In Cuba , the former has been emphasised with marked success , while economic growth has been subject to fluctuations .
6 This effect , sometimes referred to as ‘ encoding specificity ’ ( e.g. Tulving and Thomson 1973 ; Tulving 1983 ) has been subject to a range of interpretations but what concerns us here is the general possibility that contextual factors might determine test performance by modulating the ease with which stored information is retrieved .
7 Redundancies have by no means been restricted to those nearing the end of their careers or whose job performance has been subject to criticism .
8 A similar long bridge crosses the Taw at Barnstaple , but this is neither as long nor as irregular as the Bideford bridge , and has been subject to more extensive alteration .
9 In many respects the management of GEAR has been ineffective : goals have been defined too broadly , simply to ensure consensus ; organizations have been assimilated within GEAR for purely cosmetic purposes ; power has been too diffuse ; and too much has been made of environmental improvements when the local economy has been subject to dramatic changes and unemployment has risen substantially .
10 The area has been subject to Cimmerian rift-faulting but has suffered additional severe inversion and wrench-related movements associated with the edge of the Broad Fourteens Basin .
11 The IT industry has been subject to rapid development in recent years and it is confidently expected that this trend will continue .
12 Over the past 2 years it has been subject to extensive repairs and its site to archaeological investigation .
13 The product has been subject to rigorous quality control . ’
14 The first particular strategy which has been subject to criticism has been the reliance on possible first use of nuclear weapons as a means of countering presumed superior Soviet conventional power — a reliance which McNamara sought for a while to abandon when Secretary of Defense in the early 1960s , and which he openly challenged in a famous recent article ( Bundy et al . ,
15 The second particular strategy which has been subject to criticism has been the targeting of cities and other locations not of a strictly military character .
16 The BVI economy is based primarily on tourism and has been subject to significant expansion .
17 For a long time reading has been subject to a variety of fads and fashions .
18 Britain has been subject to the same decline in long-stay beds and has responded in the same way as other European countries to this fall in the mental hospital population .
19 The magnitude of Reagan 's achievement in his first term has been subject to question on several grounds .
20 This can be appreciated by considering how , in different countries and at different times , the provision of health care , housing , education and other ‘ essential ’ services such as electricity and transport , has been subject to varying degrees of public ownership and control .
21 Although the Museum has put on a large number of successful temporary exhibitions , the display of its permanent collection has been subject to difficulties and delays .
22 This new exhibition area is the first stage of the Nuovi Uffizi complex , which has been subject to delays even though the funds have long been available .
23 This so-called ‘ hidden curriculum ’ is claimed by many feminists to be at least as important in child development as the formal curriculum ( see , for example , Byrne , 1978 ) , and has been subject to intensive study ( e.g. Spender and Sarah , 1980 ) .
24 So it has been subject to recent rigorous scrutiny by a series of government reports : the Audit Commission ( 1986 ) , the House of Commons Social Services Committee Report ( 1985 ) and the Griffiths Report ( 1986 ) which resulted in the 1989 White paper Caring for People .
25 Such remarks , along with the usual party-political imperatives , mean that she has been subject to reflex ridicule for being out of step .
26 Since the 1960s in England , football spectatorship has been subject to increasingly stringent surveillance from the football authorities , law and the police .
27 As a result of challenges to the previous practice , both in the High Court and the European Court of Human Rights , telephone tapping has been subject to legislation since 1986 .
28 Public transport has been subject to numerous policy changes , especially since the 1960s ( Banister 1983 ) .
29 Secondly , many of the ideas presented so far derive from a particular perspective in sociology which has been subject to the criticisms noted above .
30 In discussing the extent to which sentencing discretion in England and Wales has been subject to control in the past , or is likely to be in the future , we will adopt the threefold classification elaborated by K.C. Davis ( 1969 ) : viz. confining discretion ( or restricting the scope of discretionary power that is available ) ; structuring discretion ( or regulating its exercise in advance ) ; and checking discretion ( or reviewing the way it has been exercised in the past ) .
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