Example sentences of "have been obtain from " in BNC.

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1 Oil has been encountered in Zechstein carbonates at Locton , Gieterveen Oost-1 in the eastern Netherlands , and at a number of localities in the North Sea , and production has been obtained from the Auk , Argyll and Claymore fields , and from various fields in East Germany and Poland .
2 The club relies solely on the support of members and friends for its funds , although sponsorship has been obtained from Sa Nostra , the premier Savings Bank in the Balearics .
3 All I would say is that the principle of fairness , though concerned exclusively with the use of evidence at trial , is not susceptible to categorisation or classification and is wide enough in some circumstances to embrace the way in which , after the crime , evidence has been obtained from the accused .
4 The system ( 2.6 ) has been obtained from a system similar to ( 2.4 ) by adding a linear variable , w .
5 This form of diligence can be used as soon as the warrant has been obtained from the court and before the debtor has received notification of the action against him by service of the court papers .
6 Remember it is illegal for anyone to use a metal detector on a scheduled ancient monument unless permission has been obtained from the Secretary of State for the Environment .
7 The best value of the mass of Venus has been obtained from the orbit of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter ( Table 4.1 ) , and is 0.8150 M E .
8 The mass of the Moon has been obtained from the position of the centre of mass of the Earth and the Moon which lies 4748 km from the centre of mass of the Earth .
9 It has been able to obtain a third of the income that it needs from sponsorship , while a further third has been obtained from admission charges .
10 Despite much academic debate , little empirical evidence concerning these structural issues has been obtained from those most affected by small business law , the owners of small firms .
11 Accordingly , permission has been obtained from C3 Division of the Home Office to examine the files in each of these long term detention cases .
12 Protocols for permitting access should be drawn up ( E and K Chief Librarians are working on this ) , and technical advice has been obtained from Edinburgh University Computing Services and other sources .
13 Careful study of the bird trade press during the first few months of 1989 led to the identification of a large number of advertisements offering species , such as the Scarlet Macaw , which may only be put on sale after permission has been obtained from the Department of the Environment .
14 If information has been obtained from a third party it has to be recorded as such , as well as any challenge to the accuracy of the information by the data subject to which it refers .
15 The difficulty encountered by plaintiffs in obtaining injunctions to stop libels has led to a growth in applications for injunctions on the grounds of breach of confidence , ie that the information has been obtained from someone who is under a duty not to reveal it .
16 It is Alan Usher 's contention that if this evidence had come to light before the trial , a third opinion could have been obtained from a specialist paediatric pathologist .
17 We gain an impression of the quantities of oak involved from the estimates for the building ; the 55 m³ ; would have been obtained from about 18 mature oaks .
18 Although his or her personal income will not increase , the elderly person 's situation appears to be considerably improved because the standardized income of the household will be greater and the younger household members will provide much of the substitutable care which would otherwise have been obtained from the health and social services .
19 This may partly reflect the fact that many aspects of the situation ( road layout , signs , shops etc. ) were deliberately excluded on the basis that they could have been obtained from previous local knowledge .
20 There is no guidance as to the meaning of suitability or what level of information should have been obtained from the investor .
21 This material was to have been obtained from files returned to the police after the completion of the case ( in the courts , or otherwise ) .
22 Up until the mid-1980s , most isolates of Bt had been obtained from insects for material closely associated with insects ) .
23 The information given to the development officers at this stage was the client 's name , main address , temporary address ( if any ) , date of birth , date of referral to the psychiatric service , date of domiciliary visit by the psychiatrist , diagnosis , score on the researcher 's organic brain syndrome scale , and whether consent for inclusion in the project had been obtained from the client , his or her next of kin , and his or her general practitioner ( or hospital doctor if temporarily in hospital ) .
24 If a form E111 had been obtained from Department of Health and Social Security , prior to departure , then the claimant should not have to pay the bill or would only have to pay a proportion of the bill at the hospital/clinic , where the treatment was received .
25 But more often the allocation of billets reflected social relations and deferential attitudes in rural society , as when , according to one MP , at Inverary in Scotland 150 women and children were housed in a cold hall , with bedding of dirty mattresses and sacks of straw ‘ with a broad arrow on them , that had been obtained from the local jail ’ , while near by the Duke of Argyll 's castle was left uninhabited .
26 He challenged the validity of a search warrant which had been obtained from a sheriff , alleging that statements by inquiry officers about a flickering light being seen at a bedroom window were a blatant and malicious fabrication .
27 A letter sent to shareholders by the club 's legal adviser , Gordon Marshall , makes it clear that during the action a number of concessions had been obtained from the Deans family .
28 French oil production is minimal and although some encouraging results have been obtained from wells in the Paris Basin and drilling has taken place off the Riviera , there appears little prospect of significant discoveries .
29 Since 1984 , core funding has been provided by the Monument Trust , a Sainsbury foundation , and other funds have been obtained from various government departments and quangos , for their specific areas of concern , and from industry .
30 Small samples have been obtained from a feral cat hunting at Rhulen in Wales and from a captive margay in London Zoo .
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