Example sentences of "have been arrive at " in BNC.

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1 Not only will everyone then understand why it has been arrived at , they will also be able to address and/or review it over subsequent years .
2 If , however , your parent thinks that some mistake has been made and can not sort it out , you can easily contact the pension fund headquarters on his or her behalf and ask for details of how the amount has been arrived at .
3 The note sets out how the figure has been arrived at and stresses any assumptions that are being made .
4 As a result a policy has been arrived at that appears to be acceptable to the majority .
5 Unfortunately , this expectation has been arrived at without the agreement of the partners involved — which is to say , for the most part , Japan .
6 Mr. Teddy Taylor : To ask the Lord President of the Council if he will take steps to ensure that European documents are considered by the House of Commons before a common position has been arrived at by the Council of Ministers ; and if he will make a statement .
7 If , if your , if your total turnover was sixteen thousand , then the inspector of taxes would want from you an account which shows how your fifteen thou sixteen thousand has been arrived at , who 's paid you this money because he looks at those and he checks their accounts to see they 've received it obviously , that 's what it is , and wh how is your five thousand pounds made up .
8 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
9 As for the bare infinitive , a significant generalization concerning its meaning has been arrived at — the notion of coincidence in time between the infinitive and the verb to which it is incident , with the latter being inconceivable as a before-position with respect to the infinitive 's event .
10 Fourthly , the theoretical proscription of monopoly has been arrived at by comparing the two theoretical extremes of perfect competition and pure monopoly .
11 The division into a 13-year race and a I 7-year race has been arrived at independently , no fewer than three times .
12 Twice a day for the best part of four decades a box has been arriving at the Palace containing the reports from British ambassadors overseas .
13 And that was the only part I did n't care for , because if I 'd been arriving at a lot of conclusions that were wrong , then I could be wrong about this too .
14 In other fields ( such as valuation for rating ) evidence of agreements reached had regularly been admitted as evidence of the value which would have been arrived at in hypothetical transactions .
15 Just as Clelia 's particular combination of virtues could never have been arrived at by fraud , so this room could never have been created out of ignorance or servile imitations .
16 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
17 I have had discussions with the various groups and I am convinced that a solution could have been arrived at if the Minister had arranged for collective discussions to take place .
18 The linguistic theories also create striking alternative contexts for understanding , and explaining other understandings — how they might have been arrived at .
19 It comes as no surprise that such a verdict should have been arrived at .
20 Sir Hector claimed that the £120,000 loss seemed to have been arrived at by applying the £2.25 HLCA reduction to most of the sheep flock .
21 After the early years of the Reformation , a settlement between the Lutherans and Catholics had been arrived at in Augsburg in 1555 .
22 An understanding had been arrived at with the Danish Tourist Board that nothing of the fabric or the furnishings and fittings in either the Tuscan Villa or The Tamarisks should be altered ; the houses had been complete works of art when they were taken over and were to be respected as such .
23 At the end of the proceedings I had succeeded in pacifying both parties and a concordat had been arrived at .
24 Er I 'd just like to come back on three fairly brief points that er one of which was mentioned by Michael Courcier , two of which er relate to that , and were helpfully stimulated in discussion during the tea break , erm Michael Courcier , I think if I got him right , said , he did say we ca n't produce demographic forecasts for post two thousand and six but I think he was fairly guarded in saying it it would n't be wise or or whatever , erm I would suggest in this context , and in the context of , and I use the word emerging and I look for advice as to when emerging regional planning guidance , and when will be the end date of that regional planning guidance , I say we should be looking beyond two thousand and six , I say we can look beyond two thousand and six , and I would suggest we do it in the way of arrange , which would be highly appropriate way of doing it , not too dissimilar to road traffic forecasts , low medium and high growth , and if , to put the point simplistically , if we have arrived at a requirement figure of nine seven for Greater York for a specific period , if we were to either project that forward by five or ten years , obviously we could n't just simply go rata , but if you took a low figure and you halved it on the basis of the make up , the demographic make up , of how the nine seven had been arrived at it would be possible to produce a range , that then relates to the question of a new settlement , and the alternatives during the period to two thousand and six , and beyond , of that new settlement , and I go back again to the greenbelt , it is vitally important to do that in the terms of a long term defined greenbelt , therefore again in that context , I would say it is highly desirable , if not necessary , to revisit the periphery of York , it has not been examined in a local plan , it has not been examined in terms of environmental impact , with all due respect to the Greater York working party their , the level of analysis of those peripheral blocks of land was fairly cursory , on a limited number of planning criteria , if a new settlement is to be assessed alongside expansion of Greater York we have to revisit it in much much greater detail .
25 Johnston v Chestergate ( cited at 13.7.2 ) was the principal authority relied on in Burgess v Purchase & Sons ( Farms ) Ltd [ 1983 ] Ch 216 , where auditors explained how their valuation of the shares in question had been arrived at .
26 For over 2 months now , 1,200 tons of apples a day have been arriving at the Bulmers Cider factory in Hereford .
27 However , once new laws and theories have been arrived at , no matter by what route , there remains the question of the adequacy of those laws and theories .
28 The number of Council Tax administrative staff below Senior Assistant level have been arrived at in total by examining the Community Charge case load per member of staff , projecting this on the basis of estimated case load for Council Tax and increasing this by 20% in order to deal with the personal elements of Council Tax , which were previously dealt with by the Community Charge Registration Officer .
29 The methods used are similar to the statistical techniques that have been arrived at independently in this project .
30 The following points have been arrived at with the agreement of Dr Will :
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