Example sentences of "have been present to " in BNC.

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1 The draft code has been presented to the British Standards Institution as a possible basis for a new British Standard .
2 A £100 cheque has been presented to the Cleveland CMAC ( Catholic Marriage Advisory Council ) by the 1992 Superswim a team of counsellors taking part in the sponsored event .
3 As part of an ‘ in lieu ’ payment of inheritance tax on the estate of the last Duke of Northumberland , a silver Roman dish known as the Corbridge Lanx has been presented to the British Museum .
4 A CHEQUE for just over £117 has been presented to Bournemouth ladies ' guild by PIP Printing , Bournemouth .
5 The BVA Animal Welfare Foundation has announced that this year 's Alice Stanley Jaye Award for Outstanding Services to Animal Welfare has been presented to Mr Peter Roberts , founder and Trustee of Compassion in World Farming .
6 Some of them may succeed in keeping abreast of course-work but will make little attempt to understand what has been presented to them during lectures and tutorial periods .
7 The book has been presented to kitchen supervisors and managers but is available for sale , price £4.50 .
8 A Coalport collector 's plate has been presented to a historic Air Force squadron to mark the 50th anniversary of one of the most daring air raids of all time .
9 An award for helping to improve the environment and simultaneously giving support to a local hospice , has been presented to Stoddard Carpets Ltd .
10 A bill has been presented to the US Congress to ban advertising in space .
11 A twenty-seven thousand name petition , protesting at cuts at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital , has been presented to Parliament .
12 A dossier containing details of more than a hundred prisoners who may have been wrongfully convicted has been presented to the Home Office .
13 The Imperial Service Medal has been presented to Mr Jimmy Ward , 65 , of St. John 's Road , Hipswell , for 29 years ' service with the Ministry of Defence .
14 A ‘ Green machine ’ — a British Gas South Western sponsored Escort van , which runs on natural gas — has been presented to the Bristol Energy Centre .
15 You have been to a tournament and an auto-da-fé already , and if you had not embarrassed my son by fainting at the latter event you would have been presented to King Sebastian himself . "
16 It is thought that the work may have been presented to the Queen by her Privy Councillor and Ambassador , Sir James Melville ( whose signature appears on the title-page ) , perhaps following a visit he made to Italy .
17 It may have been presented to the Queen in order to show her something of the impact that Protestantism had made in Italy .
18 Even then this will be the first time a draft will have been presented to Council .
19 In 1570 he resigned Dewsbury , having been presented to the wealthy Richmondshire rectory of Romaldkirk in 1569 .
20 While their challenge was clearly the most serious to have been presented to President Ceausescu , and was made with the full knowledge of important facts , it was also made by people who have long since left the political scene , mainly having retired , or been retired — prematurely — by Mr Ceausescu .
21 I noticed in particular a large placard placed on the floor in a corner , which I assumed to have been presented to him by Montgomery Belgion , who had been a prisoner of war in Germany .
22 The secret decision to continue production was teken by the President after several options had been presented to him by the Pentagon and the State Department .
23 He referred to the Bible that had been presented to him by the people of Memel St on July 10 at the opening of their march .
24 Apparently innocent of the opportunity which had been presented to them , they met in the Ravenhill Church and talked about what they should do and even hesitated about talking to the journalists waiting outside .
25 Then he grabbed a crystal glass eagle that had been presented to Mr Reagan , 81 , raised it above his head and smashed it on to the podium .
26 ‘ After you had been presented to our gracious Queen , last summer , you followed custom by having your photograph taken in all your finery . ’
27 It had been presented to him by the City of Paris and on it were traced the lines of the new streets and boulevards which Napoleon III had worked out in conjunction with Baron Haussmann .
28 She had been presented to him , rather in the way she had been presented to her mother , ten years ago , by a Jamaican midwife , in Queen Mary 's Hospital , Roehampton .
29 She had been presented to him , rather in the way she had been presented to her mother , ten years ago , by a Jamaican midwife , in Queen Mary 's Hospital , Roehampton .
30 The fireplace , of typical Victorian cast-iron , was in the centre of the left hand wall whilst on the mantlepiece was a marble clock that had been presented to my mother and father when they married in 1904 , this had a large china dog on each side .
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