Example sentences of "have been drive out " in BNC.

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1 Global competition in the automobile industry has been driving out many of the smaller firms .
2 Three or four pamphlets and books have attacked ‘ the pernicious myth of monarchy ’ , but serious discussion of the usefulness or otherwise of the royal family has been driven out by simpering nonsense from a pack of tabloid reporters who devote their not inconsiderable imaginations to dreaming up new twists to a comic-strip family drama with a cast-list now augmented by half-a-dozen non-royal spouses and their families .
3 By letting the property market lead , the industrial sector has been ignored and on many occasions existing industry has been driven out or left to die .
4 The census of 1785 confirms that the Titfords were still on Pig Street , not having been driven out by the noise of falling stone or splintering wood ; not that noise would have been anything unusual for them — they already had Thomas Addams ' blacksmith 's shop down the street , and the ringing sound of metal on metal emanating from there must have mingled nicely with the constant clip-clop of horses ' hooves as Henry Webley went about his business as the Bristol carrier a few doors away .
5 Soon after hundreds of prisoners began surrendering , many thought to have been driven out by smoke .
6 To confirm his fears , when we had been driving out of Tangier docks late at night , having only just arrived on African soil , a group of men had tried to stop us .
7 She was gripping the tiller arm so tightly that the blood had been driven out of her knuckles .
8 Military leaders in the sixteenth century who could not find wars to fight elsewhere might turn on their own sovereigns and fight at home ; there had been some decades of civil war in England after the English had been driven out of France in the middle of the fifteenth century .
9 As a result they had been driven out of the city by Richard 's agents and the cathedral was closed for twenty-one months .
10 By 1814 , with the war in the Peninsula ended and the arrival of 10,000 Spanish troops under General Morillo , the prospects for independence were gloomy ; Bolívar had been driven out of Venezuela and New Granada was about to be recaptured .
11 Joseph Usher , Tace 's hero , had hidden himself in a chamber of the mine but had been driven out by hunger and thirst and , having given himself up , been taken away to trial and execution .
12 Then the farmer admitted that there had been many applicants for the job already , but each had been driven out of the stall by the horse .
13 Another exile in Gaul was Ecgberht , son of Ealhmund , who had been driven out by Offa and Beorhtric , king of the West Saxons , and who sought refuge in Gaul ( ASC A , s.a. 836 ) where , according to William of Malmesbury writing in a later age , he learnt the arts of government .
14 Flaherty said to be sure this was true , although he misremembered the last time they 'd been called on to supply them , it being all of two years since the Wolfkings had been driven out by the Gruagach .
15 For us in Italy , war finally came on 10 june 1940 , when Mussolini declared war on France , which was already on its knees , and on Britain , whose soldiers had been driven out of Europe .
16 Nothing could have been more controlled or correct , as if he did not know that his father had been driven out of the principality like a half-drowned rat , or a hound caught in a thunderstorm , and running for shelter with its tail between its legs .
17 Mellor claimed that he had been driven out of office by the tabloid press , which had pursued him since the discovery in July of his extramarital affair with an actress , Antonia de Sancha .
18 The Whigs , however , remained insistent that there should be no peace until the Bourbons had been driven out of Spain .
19 Salim can be designated a Kenya Asian : the name we give to those hard-working aliens who have been driven out of African countries , and who include the shopkeepers and merchants expropriated in Uganda by Amin .
20 the increasing stranglehold of the big brewers has led to high prices , poor choice and pub closures ; and many new small breweries have been driven out of business .
21 As DeJong says , ‘ One single purpose has attained predominance , has acquired the monopoly for which everything is sacrificed : the others have been driven out , either totally or into special roads ’ .
22 This information is sometimes used today in building wooden houses but , on the whole , mechanical connexions of all kinds have been driven out by modern glues which have made the efficient use of wood possible but have introduced problems of their own .
23 There poor Paddies in London even now , God love them , who have been driven out of their homes by the Proddies .
24 The majority of hippies have been driven out of Goa .
25 And Sarrance is the setting in which her group of competing story-tellers gather , after they have been driven out of the spa of Cauterets , up in the mountains , by bad weather .
26 Mattresses have been driven out and dumped in fields , sticks of broken furniture poke out of ditches and broken-backed fences contain nothing .
27 Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the stabbing to death of the young black schoolboy Rolan Adams and in the year since then 15 black families — council tenants and owner-occupiers — have been driven out of their homes on the Thamesmead estate .
28 What advice or comfort can the Under-Secretary of State offer to those providers of training on Merseyside who have been driven out of business because insufficient resources have been allocated to the Merseyside TEC to provide contracts to them ?
29 Perhaps they have been driven out of the country and gone abroad because extra conditions have been imposed here .
30 A FAMILY have been driven out of their Liverpool home by what they claim is a poltergeist .
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