Example sentences of "have been [art] lot " in BNC.

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1 You should 've been a lot through more than five .
2 There has been a lot of theological argument about whether this programme constitutes Thatcherism or post-Thatcherism .
3 There has been a lot of debate in political circles as to whether on-the-road campaigning should tackle political issues or concentrate on displaying the personality of the candidates .
4 ‘ The whole experience has been a lot of fun and the crew have been fantastic , especially in the very beginning because I was nervous for the first few days .
5 The only people moving around are carrying weapons and there has been a lot of shooting , ’ he said .
6 There has been a lot of debate about the reasons for producing complicated patterns on the suture line ; what advantage would this have given the ammonoids over their nautiloid ancestors , that allowed for the explosive bursts of ammonoid evolution ?
7 As to the question of Modigliani 's terrible drinking , there has been a lot of talk .
8 There has been a lot of this kind of partnership in recent years and there is no doubt that there is some mutual benefit but the benefits are unrelated for each party — the college gets a resource that it can use , the donor a warm sense of public spirit , a tax deduction or some publicity .
9 There has been a lot of research and change in the treatment of mental illness or frailty over the last few years .
10 During the last few years there has been a lot of publicity about food poisoning .
11 There has been a lot of talk about The Beatles playing a one-off gig with Julian Lennon as John .
12 ‘ There has been a lot of evidence that people who eat a lot of fish have less instances of cancer .
13 ‘ The going is not too difficult but there has been a lot of avalanche debris left after the monsoon . ’
14 He said : ‘ There has been a lot of talk about the players we have brought in .
15 ‘ There has been a lot of bad news on aircraft building programmes since we bought Dowty , ’ says Mr Garner , ‘ but we had effectively discounted all that in our acquisition financial modelling .
16 There has been a lot of debate , generally conducted outside scientific circles , about the possible existence of such a sense — or , to be more accurate , set of senses .
17 There has been a lot lately in the Press and on TV about crime and violence and it is sad to see so much wrong being done by the very young of today .
18 ‘ There has been a lot of talk about taxing invalidity benefit , children 's clothes and food which would have drastically affected a lot of people , especially those needing special diets .
19 There has been a lot of confusion about the importance of obesity in infancy as a determinant of obesity later in life .
20 ‘ They are looking fresher and bouncier , and I just sense there has been a lot more energy about them the past 10 days .
21 Ferguson said : ‘ There has been a lot of speculation about Lee Sharpe and we want to end it by saying clearly what is wrong with him .
22 Gerstner told the IBM Corp meeting in Tampa , Florida that he does not intend to ‘ lay out a grand scheme ’ for the company : ‘ There has been a lot of speculation , ’ Reuter reports him saying , ‘ that I am going to unveil some great plan , ’ Gerstner said ; ‘ You will see actions , and our actions will speak for themselves , ’ but added that some actions will not emerge until 1994 ; he described it as not entirely accurate to describe IBM 's strategy as ‘ splitting it up into a bunch of little pieces , ’ and added that the dividend may change based on IBM 's performance and outlook ; ‘ We ca n't expect quick fixes , ’ Gerstner told more than 3,000 shareholders at the meeting , ‘ But I do dare to ask your patience , ’ he said ; his top priority is to get IBM 's layoffs completed and ‘ rightsize ’ the company — ‘ I want to get it behind us so we can say to those remaining , ‘ You are are our team , ’ ’ he said ; he acknowledged several times that IBM 's bureaucracy had hampered the company , and elsewhere it was reported that he has ordered managers to dispense with the customary slides and flip charts when they address him — ‘ IBM has changed but some would say not fast enough , ’ but ‘ We can bring IBM back , ’ Gerstner said .
23 There has been a lot of anxiety about the issue since the major blast in the City of London in April , but we are happy to confirm that booksellers who are members of the BA scheme are covered .
24 There has been a lot of interest , even if it is n't public interest .
25 There has been a lot of talk in recent years about Formula One now being safe , but I think that is dangerous talk .
26 To make sure that he does n't fade again in the second part of the season , Zeelenberg 's pre-season training regime has been a lot tougher .
27 There has been a lot of assertion about the potential of action of this kind in civil society by what Frankel calls post-industrial utopians but very little account .
28 In pursuance of these demands there has been a lot of collective action .
29 Well I would say that there has been a lot of changes since the new Home Office guide lines were issued in nineteen eighty five
30 For example , there has been a lot of evidence that petrol prices have a marked effect on rates of rural recreation ( Shucksmith , 1 980b ) , since the demand relationship is not only stable , but is also highly price-elastic .
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