Example sentences of "have be several [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Lalande wrote of him in 1763 : ‘ Sisson has been several times in prison for failing to pay his workmen [ of whom Jesse Ramsden , q.v. , was one ] ; he starts many things and finishes nothing : he takes his instruments to the pawnbroker , where they have been seen selling for a tenth of their value .
2 The exception was Helga , a Euro-slut from Cologne who should have been several grades higher but kept deliberately failing the aptitude tests so as to be with Massimo .
3 But after what I understand would have been several years of compulsory Russian , he could barely manage da and nyet .
4 It must have been several dances later that she noticed Annie standing on the edge of the dance floor .
5 In the northern Weald , some of these men seem to have come from large Kentish estates round Tonbridge rather than from the Sussex coast ; there must have been several centuries of discussion before Wealden boundaries were finally sorted out .
6 In the summer of 1974 there had been several questions regarding the possibility of anonymity in rape cases .
7 There had been several rapes in the London area at around that time and , sure enough , the attacker was waiting , hidden in the alley , for an unsuspecting and defenceless visitor .
8 there had been several accidents to conductors swinging along the open-sided cars .
9 Granada has a £63million stake in BSB and said there had been several approaches for Alan Bond 's major stake in the venture .
10 Barnard Castle police said there had been several incidents reported at Winston Bridge .
11 With hindsight , there had been several signs of an impending conservative takeover .
12 During the interwar years there had been several proposals for something that would go beyond this to involve governments , and in 1938 the idea of a Nordic Council had been proposed by Denmark .
13 The trouble was that Louise , like a number of other members of the garrison , was suffering from scurvy ; there had been several cases of partial blindness and of swollen heads , but the most common symptom , and the one which was troubling Louise , was the loosening of teeth .
14 There had been several witnesses .
15 Since then there had been several extensions built , a new accident and emergency unit , and a radiotherapy centre .
16 There had been several copyings out and rewritings over a number of years , and although the changes made are sometimes evidence of ideological revisionism ( the poet had become more conformist in his later years ) , what is remarkable is how much of the young man 's vision has been allowed to remain intact .
17 He found he was still standing there some minutes later , not because the traffic had been particularly heavy — there had been several opportunities to cross — but because he was lost in thought about what he had seen .
18 Some , Allen guessed , had been several weeks unused ; others , not since the winter rains ; of one of them he said with more certainty that it had been used recently , perhaps yesterday .
19 A spokesman said there had been several break-ins at town centre premises over the weekend , including at Mowbray Vale Insurance on Galgate when the roof was damaged and cash taken , Stoneleigh residential home , also on Galgate , and the Kings Head Hotel .
20 The spot was clearly a favourite one with the crew and there had been several men dozing there when Owen and Mahmoud had appeared .
21 A spokesman said there had been several raids on homes in the past few days by sneak thieves .
22 There 've been several attempts to get E Ten right since nineteen eighty .
23 Our knowledge of life histories of most deep-sea ophiuroids is poor ( see Tyler , 1980 for a review ) although in recent years there have been several accounts of the reproductive biology of the more common species ( Schoener 1968 , 1972 : Tyler & Gage 1979 , 1980 , 1982 ; Gage & Tyler , 1981 , 1982 ) together with some work on the post-larval stages ( Schoener 1967 , 1969 ; Gage & Tyler 1981 ) .
24 There have been several thefts including some yesterday and last Friday .
25 The Salvadorean women 's organizations which support the FDR-FMLN have not yet formed a united front , although there have been several initiatives in that direction and a growing recognition of the need to do so .
26 There have been several attempts to explain the reasons for the strong seismic reflections from such zones .
27 Such models are necessary for the realisation of Wilson 's claim , and there have been several attempts at preliminary formulations by social scientists , archaeologists , population geneticists and from Wilson himself .
28 Since then , there have been several attempts to persuade Government to relax the statutory requirements but these have failed , largely because of opposition from the Inland Revenue and the Treasury .
29 How much of these the foundation will manage to recover is an open question , but at least the collection is now safe ( there have been several attempts in the past to remove its best paintings to other museums ) .
30 In recent year there have been several attempts to produce new kinds of keys .
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