Example sentences of "have be establish at " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind a new model of training in surgical science has been established at University College London , organised jointly by the departments of surgery and of anatomy and developmental biology .
2 It will assess the extent to which dependency on international agencies has been established at the expense of indigenous agencies and whether emergency provision has been sustained by the exclusion of developmental aid in a protracted refugee situation .
3 And I er addressing your attention ma'am to , particularly to , the erm M A F F laboratory , which has been established at Sand Hutton , which is a maj , going to be a very major employer , located immediately adjacent to , well within this particular sector .
4 Since previously only about one in three advertised charter trains actually ran ( there were indeed up to a hundred independent rail tour operators ) , the new regime immediately brought a crop of casualties , including in 1985 the Rail Tour Operators Association , the very organisation which had been established at Ward 's insistence to negotiate train hire on behalf of all independents .
5 Traffic carried by the new truck waterway thus increased beyond the volume of goods which had been conveyed along the old cul-de-sac Arun Navigation and it was necessary to extend the waterside storage buildings that had been established at Newbridge .
6 In April 1964 the working committee on civil rights , which had been established at QUB in March 1963 , carried out a survey based on interviews with four hundred people ; an earlier survey had been made in Newry .
7 It assumed that models of rehabilitation valuing people through work , which had been established at such hospitals at Netherne , could be applied for an indefinite period with all patients being potential benefactors .
8 Laboratory studies in zoology had been established at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard under Louis Agassiz in the mid century .
9 Although one government-inspired commentator tried later to dismiss the FBI teletype as ‘ an early memo … that sketched one possible scenario , as of October 1989 ’ , and which subsequent events had rendered ‘ irrelevant ’ and ‘ pointless ’ , it was less easy to reject the categorical denials by Air Malta , the airport staff at Luqa , the Maltese police and the Maltese government that any unaccompanied bag had been sent to Frankfurt on 21 December 1988 , or , indeed , that any Maltese connection with the Lockerbie bombing had been established at all , other than that the clothing in the suitcase bomb had apparently originated on the island .
10 However , CODESA II , which brought together the government , ANC and 17 other organizations , ended in deadlock and delegates failed to adopt any of the reports of the five working parties which had been established at the first CODESA session in December 1991 [ see pp. 38662-63 ; 38705 ] .
11 The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) signed an historic commercial agreement with the Russian Space Agency on June 18 , the basis for which had been established at the June summit between US President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin [ see pp. 38985-86 ] .
12 Ivan Boiko , was cited in Rossiiskaya gazeta of Oct. 29 as saying that the Directorate had been established at Yeltsin 's suggestion .
13 It was only 50 years since the first white settlement had been established at Port Jackson , and , although some semblance of order and ‘ civilisation ’ existed in the larger towns like Sydney , many of the outposts were still dangerous places to visit .
14 Recently there has been more emphasis on shore-based facilities , and a fishing pier , fish drying factory and ice plant have been established at Breasclete on Loch Roag in Lewis as one of the Board 's biggest strategic projects .
15 Other centres for European and German Studies have been established at Georgetown University , and the University of California , Berkeley .
16 Police Authorities have in fact proceeded in accordance with Home Office guidelines , and committees have been established at subdivisional level with a membership drawn from representatives of the police authority , justices of the peace , and representatives of the local community .
17 Briefing groups have been established at many locations and a news bulletin is circulated throughout the Company 's businesses .
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