Example sentences of "have happen [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is important to establish a committee to monitor these matters , because of what has happened since the deregulation of bus services in Scotland in 1985 .
2 I mean , two of them seem as if they are referring back to something which has happened since the first two . ’
3 " Are you sure that nothing has happened since the weekend ?
4 Correspondingly , if , as is t e case , we know only what has happened since the big bang , we could not determine what happened beforehand .
5 The same applies to Ashford , where according to our figures the same has happened for the last three years .
6 ‘ With everything that has happened over the last couple of years , I just want to stand back a bit and have a couple of weeks to think about it ’ , he said , before later confirming his desire to lead a new-look Scotland in 1992 .
7 What has happened over the course of this century has been an improvement in people 's states of fitness at particular ages so that whereas at the beginning of the century people in their sixties were regarded as being old , it is clear that people who survive into their sixties are now mainly , as is described below , generally quite fit .
8 First , if the hon. Gentleman considers what has happened over the past two years , to the basic retirement pension , quite apart from income support premiums , he will find that they have risen by 15 per cent .
9 What other factors , there 's a big , this fact that we 're missing , alright , rising population , improvements in transport and technology , what else has happened over the last hundred years ?
10 And through this kind of general interest in history , which is not started in academic circles , but elsewhere , and through the interests of adult education works and working groups of various kinds in history , and through some of the best history taught in schools , we 've really broadened our notions of , of , of what history is , and one of the most lively recent developments has been erm the idea of history workshops , where people themselves recall erm what has happened over the course of their own lifetimes , using oral history , tape recorders , and things of that kind .
11 Wild rabbits can be kept in captivity and eventually tamed , and it is , in fact , because this has happened through the centuries that we now see so many variations .
12 Leavisism assumed that its rewriting of the canon had a once-and-for-all quality , so that it was inconceivable that anyone could come to admire Shelley again , though this is precisely what has happened under the influence of Harold Bloom , who is dedicated to overturning the Eliot-Leavis version of poetic history .
13 The GP needs to have information if he is going to look after the patient properly : he needs to know what has happened during the infarct , how severe it was , what evidence there was of heart failure , and whether the angina recurred .
14 If the right hon. Gentleman examines completely what has happened during the past year with that objective in mind , he will find that not only have we cut inflation , as I have just said , but we have cut interest rates .
15 He is a most welcome supporter of the Bill It would be helpful if I brought the House up to date on what has happened during the past year , so that hon. Members can take recent developments into account when making up their minds if and when they vote later .
16 The same has happened at the Department of the Environment : Christopher Patten has conducted himself this week as the antithesis of an ideologue .
17 This is what has happened at the New End Hospital in Hampstead , where the developer , by adopting a conservation scheme , has gained more space than by demolition and rebuilding .
18 We have just noted how local politics in Britain has recently become more diversified , but , as Chapter 4 pointed out , this has happened at the same time as political power has become increasingly centralized .
19 yeah I think what , what has happened at the moment is that he would be almost helpless because there are so many things that are wrong with the world that it seems to be because we get so much information as a
20 Everything has happened at the last minute , right up against our deadlines , but I am convinced that if we can promote the raffle through the summer magazine it stands every chance of being a great success .
21 If the lunar curves in Figure 6.9 can roughly be applied to Mercury then crater erasure took place before about 4000 Ma ago , and most of the present craters , which may also have given rise to the smooth plains , were in place by about 3000 Ma ago , and little has happened on the Mercurian surface since except for the effects of tidal slow-down and interior shrinkage .
22 The sailor 's personal log might not only record what has happened on the journey so far , it might also speculate about what the crew should do with the merman they 've caught in their nets ; it might contain thoughts about food and the way it is stored on board ship ; it might suggest new ways of storing food .
23 But that is what has happened with the airport Hong Kong wants to build as part of a $16.3 billion infrastructure programme .
24 But if fear gives way to fury — as has happened with the formation of this vociferous pressure group and watchdog — those feelings need no longer be followed by a sense of frustration and impotence .
25 But what has happened with the more commercial manifestations of rave do n't interest me .
26 Consequently the professional should discuss what has happened with the parents and make quite certain they know exactly why they have been advised to adopt certain practices .
27 However , we should always ask whether the functions identified could be better served by alternative methods , as has happened with the development of intermediate treatment for adolescent offenders .
28 And this is what has happened with the Property Misdescriptions Act .
29 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
30 Perhaps Labour 's leadership could explain what has happened to the SDLP since 1981 to make it capable of bringing Catholic and Protestant workers together .
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