Example sentences of "have [been] cause [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These are cases where death has been caused with insufficient fault to justify labelling it as murder , but with sufficient fault for a manslaughter verdict .
2 Where a report finds that injustice has been caused to the complainant by maladministration , a local authority if responsible must consider the report and inform the Local Commissioner what action it proposes to take , but it is not legally bound to follow any particular course of action .
3 ‘ Damage has been caused to years and years of university research , ’ he said .
4 The upset and damage which has been caused to us by these articles is an extremely serious matter .
5 Governments are attempting , for the first time , to regulate a major new industry before damage has been caused to people or the environment .
6 The landlord may sue if he can prove that actual harm has been caused to the reversion or in the circumstances illustrated in the next case .
7 Five fires are sweeping through the area , and widespread damage has been caused to the International Friendship Park , classified as a UN heritage site .
8 More than £5,000 of damage has been caused to women 's clothing since March .
9 Over the last year thousands of pounds worth of damage has been caused to schools in the region .
10 Darlington council officers say £3,500 damage has been caused to works in the Myles Meehan Gallery .
11 At least one double fatality has been caused in this way .
12 The Act creates a statutory right of action for damages , where injury or damage has been caused in breach of a duty .
13 Section 12(1) provides that ‘ where any injury or damage has been caused in breach of a duty imposed ’ by the Act , then subject to certain exceptions ‘ no other liability shall be incurred by any person in respect of that injury or damage . ’
14 Pravda may write that the refugee mess has been caused by ‘ provocations ’ and ‘ revanchist propaganda ’ from Bonn .
15 This has been caused by infected suburban foxes from the east ( where until last month there was no vaccination programme ) finding their way into the city centre and crossing what was once the border into West Berlin .
16 There was , however , ‘ increasing concern [ in Europe ] about the role of soil acidification ’ ( it was not mentioned that this has been caused by air pollution ) .
17 It has been suggested that their slow decline in the last I00 million years or so has been caused by the commensurate rise in diversity of filter-feeding bivalve molluscs , which ousted them from their former habitats .
18 Indeed the most dramatic example of mass extinction known to biology has been caused by the introduction of an alien species .
19 This huge opening in the moor , as large as a tennis court , has been caused by a collapse of the surface coming to rest in a debris of fallen boulders twenty to thirty feet lower .
20 Much unnecessary anxiety about the disease has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation .
21 At the end , Cain concludes that his banishment has been caused by his refusal to sink his identity into a higher form .
22 If the leak has been caused by a puncture in the middle of a pipe run , cut through it and remove about 20mm ( 8in ) of pipe so you can reconnect the cut ends with a special repair compression fitting .
23 Much-travelled Piontek believes England 's lack of goals in recent internationals has been caused by pressure on the new crop of strikers .
24 There are also problems at Wild Cat Tor , where serious erosion has been caused by climbers going up to the Blue Grass and Singing Kettle buttresses .
25 What part of any contraction in the demand for elderly workers has been caused by state action over the setting of pension eligibility terms , and what part has been due to the autonomous decisions of employers , must for the moment remain an open question .
26 ‘ And the only violence so far has been caused by your friend — pardon , your associate — Steve .
27 Menlo Park California-based Network General Corp is offering another system for its Sniffer Network Analyser : a new version will run on the Toshiba Corp T6400/DX2 colour portable running at 50MHz ; currently the new implementation supports only Ethernet , but Token Ring support is promised for the second quarter ; the move looks as if it has been caused by the chronic shortage of the Compaq Computer Corp machines that form the basis for the existing Sniffer systems .
28 In a recent review of Germany 's environmental performance , the OECD criticised the confusion in Germany 's definition of waste that has been caused by a desire to encourage recycling .
29 The four month hitch has been caused by the need for a process change in cache memory , without which , Cypress wo n't get good yields for the part .
30 In large part , this has been caused by demand derived from earlier investors .
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