Example sentences of "have [been] [adv] successful " in BNC.

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1 Your life has been incredibly successful , and you 've got out of it exactly what you wanted for your highest good .
2 Some teachers , even in infant classes , report that the rejection of schemes and learning to read through real books has been completely successful .
3 The month-old ‘ final offensive ’ has been most successful this year because a split that erupted last August among rebel ranks has not yet been patched up in the face of Khartoum 's assaults .
4 But so far , this type of biological control has been most successful in China , where plentiful labour is available for intensive rearing of natural enemies .
5 The degree to which any particular development is exclusively attributable to the project remains a moot point , but in our view this is less important than the degree to which the project complemented and extended existing and coincidental developments , and in this respect the project has been most successful .
6 In recent years it has been particularly successful in treating respiratory and urinary tract infections , gastrointestinal infections , infections of the skin and skin structures , bone and joint infections and sexually transmitted diseases .
7 This has resulted in improved borehole conditions enabling the recording of greatly superior quality of log information ; a dolomite mud has been particularly successful in keeping the borehole in perfect shape .
8 The modern historical novel has been particularly successful in giving convincing pictures of moments of history as experienced by young women as well as ‘ plucky boys ’ : Jill Paton Walsh 's A parcel of patterns , Hester Burton 's Time of trial , and K. M. Peyton 's Flambards novels are examples and , as experienced by ‘ the lower orders ’ , Barbara Willard 's Ned only and K. M. Peyton 's The right-hand man .
9 MIND has continued to play a strong public role in defending the civil liberties and rights to treatment and care of all mentally disordered people , and it has been particularly successful in supporting individuals who have been maltreated and neglected by the mental health service system .
10 The Training and Employment Grants Scheme ( TEGS ) has been particularly successful in Glasgow .
11 The MERCAD system has been particularly successful in reducing the need for hot work offshore and the company has secured contracts with a number of major North Sea oil operators .
12 There was great scope we saw for matching marketing , the due diligence product outside er Manchester area er that has been particularly successful we are going to have , well all of you are probably aware of of a significant increase in the in the of due dili due diligence work er very encouraging that er most of it I think I 'm right in saying has come , certainly the bigger ones have come from out with the region er and have been introduced to us from bankers er in London , er initially we 've had er a lot of support from our er colleagues in London who 've effected the introductions in the first place , precisely how the partnership virtually work .
13 Domestication or controlled breeding of hitherto wild animals for their products has been commercially successful : witness such ventures as fur ranches for silver fox , mink , and chinchilla An unusual and profitable business in Thailand is exporting 2000 skins annually of a hybrid crocodile ( Crocoytus porosus X C. palustris ) .
14 It has been commercially successful .
15 ( In the penal field , this would appear to be true of the Home Office which has been largely successful over the years in getting its strategy of ‘ penological pragmatism ’ implemented : see Chapters 1 and 10 ; Bottoms , 1990a ; and Fitzgerald and Sim , 1990 . )
16 He has been enormously successful , but in a quiet world .
17 History of this sort , which offers to explain the relations between properties of societies , has been enormously successful in the past thirty years or so and provides a clear conception of how the underlying interest of holism can guide social enquiry .
18 The conversion to resemble one of the USA tanks which were found on the Southern Railway after the Second World War has been pretty successful .
19 Obviously we do n't deal with incoming , but holidays for the U K residents , yes that 's a fairly major part of our business , and certainly has been pretty successful in recent weeks .
20 Alternatively , homoeopathic treatment for the same ‘ inability to cope ’ condition has been equally successful .
21 The company did make efforts to redeploy such people to jobs at other STC south London locations and IDEC reports this has been moderately successful .
22 ‘ As a team manager , Mr Chapman has been strikingly successful , and he unites with his keen business abilities a winning personality that makes him very popular .
23 Undoubtedly the method works in Purdue , and reports are that its adoption elsewhere has been generally successful .
24 Further , although this hypothesis has not yet resulted in an account incorporating consciousness , it has been remarkably successful in explaining many other mental phenomena which earlier generations saw as necessarily mysterious and as evidence for some kind of duality .
25 It is one which , whether measured in terms of winning elections or carrying through policies , has been remarkably successful .
26 The Stock Exchange , for instance , has been remarkably successful in doing its own policing — witness the quick action taken in the case of the alleged share ramp at Williams Holdings .
27 What they have combined with this has been a church growth philosophy that has been remarkably successful .
28 The party has been remarkably successful at convincing many urban Hindu intellectuals and professionals that the real BJP is the reasonable-sounding one that praises economic liberalisation and is beginning to draft policy position-papers .
29 This naturally gives him a tremendous light-grasp , but his main work is in hunting for new comets and new exploding stars or novæ , in which he has been remarkably successful ( his present total is five comets and four novæ ) , and there are not many people who will attempt anything like this .
30 He has been remarkably successful .
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