Example sentences of "in [art] same boat " in BNC.

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1 We are all in the same boat out here .
2 Compare the description of the agony in In the Same boat ( a story the end of which is truer to the experience than i– the end of The Brushwood Boy ) : ‘ Suppose you were a violin string — vibrating — and someone put his finger on you ’ with the image of the ‘ banjo string drawn tight ’ for the breaking wave in The finest Story in the World .
3 In the Same Boat ’ has Kipling 's Conroy exclaim just before he meets the hysterical , drug-taking woman , Miss Henschil ,
4 One is where you shut a works and everybody 's in the same boat .
5 Climate change could put both superpowers in the same boat .
6 There they were , crawling on one tiny planet , not knowing why they were there : all in the same boat — why did they need to defend themselves against each other ?
7 We are all in the same boat .
8 A reporter in New York learns from a friend , a gynaecologist , that after a certain date she has no more patients on her books ; others in her profession are in the same boat .
9 Danielle is a very happy and contented baby and I am a very happy and contented full time working mum — and as far as I 'm concerned that 's the best recommendation I can give to those of you who are in the same boat as I was of dreading re-entering the working world !
10 It is always nice to be introduced to these meetings because although we are all in the same boat , it 's still a bit daunting walking into a strangers house .
11 They have to be defended by proxy , and they are both in the same boat .
12 For light relief we had Valerie , and why she did n't end up in the same boat I 'll never know .
13 In consequence no particular facet of the policy is seen to be peculiar to any one Division ; what is so for the profession generally is also true for the building surveyor ; we are all in the same boat .
14 Reflecting that a lot of other people were in the same boat , that he was in good company — the Overindebted Minority — might bring temporary comfort and make relations with friends less strained .
15 Western Province are in the same boat , and rumour has it that the little general , Dawie Snyman , will replace Hannie Bekker this season .
16 ‘ I 'm in the same boat . ’
17 Dennis Younger , chairman , said : ‘ Our aim is to provide a social platform so people can meet others who are in the same boat .
18 Somewhat in the same boat may be groups of younger teachers who see education in personal/emotional , or in political terms , and who are feeling their values particularly heavily trodden on by the current educational reforms .
19 Now at least they are in the same boat , and the balancing of the pronouns in the last four lines declares their equality : I have quoted extensively from that sonnet in order to give the full context for this Our : what they have in common is that they have sinned , each has betrayed the other .
20 Our research has indicated that clients find this ‘ meeting others in the same boat ’ one of the most helpful components of therapy .
21 By meeting others ‘ in the same boat ’ , they begin to feel less alone and different .
22 I wish I could tell him that we are all in the same boat .
23 She said she was in the same boat as himself and kept her fist closed tight in the pocket of her overall on the one and ninepence Uncle Vernon had given her earlier .
24 In the same boat , yes . ’
25 She remembered him saying : ‘ We are all in the same boat . ’
26 If marriage is a boat , then many of us are in the same boat !
27 In school you 'd be getting the looks and all that , but here everyone 's in the same boat .
28 All in the same boat , then !
29 Oh yes , the interesting part there , in those days , was that the majority of the children were in the same boat , we were all poor and er m the Town Council had got this skating ring at Mansfield , roller skating ring , near the Gas Works , where they provided a school meal for all the children that could there during the hour lunch .
30 The past is a distant , receding coastline , and we are all in the same boat .
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