Example sentences of "in [noun] led to " in BNC.

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1 Her reluctant pioneering activity in Huntingdonshire led to courses at Eaton Socon , St. Neots and the county town .
2 The Beveridge Report , which formed the basis of much of the post-war social security legislation , contained certain features which in part led to the need to reform the pension system .
3 A chance meeting at an international conference on prison security in Stockholm led to Latvia getting the blessing of a Scottish Office minister for assistance from the Scottish Prison Service towards reform of their penal system .
4 The assassination of Kashmir 's leading Moslem cleric in mid-May led to a serious deterioration in the security situation in the Kashmir Valley after weeks of relative calm .
5 Some of the least attractive features of Liverpool society emerged in May 1985 , when a riot of Liverpool football supporters at the Heysel football stadium in Brussels led to the death of many Italian football fans at the European Cup Final between Liverpool and Juventus of Turin .
6 It did seem that the mother 's intrusion in quarrels led to more conflict over the longer term .
7 This in effect led to a situation where the commercial energy input became about equal to the equivalent energy output of edible grains .
8 Norman Dennis ( 1970 ) showed how in Sunderland a change in attitude led to a hardening resistance to slum clearance ; another study charted the conflict between a local community and a city planning department , Newcastle ( Davies , 1972 ) .
9 Further talks at ministerial level between the USA and the Soviet Union in December led to speculation that only " very technical " details remained to be resolved , including the installation of US special perimeter monitoring facilities outside Soviet factories producing SS-24 and SS-25 missiles .
10 Sympathy for Castro declined in the USA after a series of televised political trials in Cuba led to the execution of former supporters of Batista .
11 The generalized conclusion ( first widely popularized by Martinson ( 1974 ) ) that ‘ nothing works ’ became widely accepted less because of its validity than because it was a message suited to its time , and because the disappointment of the high hopes invested in reform led to an over-reaction against the rehabilitative ideal .
12 The government 's efforts to reign in inflation led to interest rates reaching about 15.4 p.c. in early 1990 before being cut six times to the current level of 10.95 p.c
13 A large claim for compensation for refusal to allow more flats on top of an existing block in Hampstead led to some well-publicised litigation ( Peaktop Properties Ltd v Camden Borough Council ( 1982 ) 262 EG 239 ) .
14 Mutual interest in statistics led to a meeting with accountant Anthony Weigall , and the foundation of the group that became The Cricket Society .
15 Iraq 's invasion and annexation of Kuwait in August led to the outbreak of a war less than six months later between Iraq and United States-led multinational forces .
16 The increase in the population of Britain — excluding the whole of Ireland — in 1851 had reached 20.8 million , and in that same year the discovery of gold in Australia led to a ‘ goldrush ’ .
17 Earlier in the year , laboratory errors at a hospital in Greenock led to twenty thousand women being recalled .
18 Penicillin was not , however , effective against all forms of bacterial infection , and later work in Oxford led to the development , chemical analysis and widespread clinical use of cephalosporin , which was and still remains effective in treating illnesses caused by these other forms of bacteria .
19 Mosley 's and Rothermere 's interest in aviation led to the formation of a fascist flying club in Gloucester-shire in 1934 .
20 He became increasingly authoritarian and reliant upon the army , which in turn led to the eight years of Amin 's rule , the Tanzanian invasion , Obote 's second government and ultimately the civil war in which Museveni took power .
21 That in turn led to the assumption that diversity was embarrassing , that different standpoints within the biblical books should be harmonized , lest the authority of the sacred writings be diminished .
22 A crisis followed the strike which in turn led to more problems and lower wages .
23 The downgrading of welfare provision by the Thatcherite and Reaganite administrations in turn led to a reiteration by the Left of Marshall 's notion of social citizenship .
24 This underground showplace was unsuspected until 1923 when a Cambridge undergraduate named Long noticed a small aperture in the hillside and , upon investigation by crawling into it , soon found himself entering a more commodious passage which in turn led to a magnificent cavern drained by a dancing stream and liberally decorated with delicate stalactites and natural carvings .
25 This in turn led to increased degradation that has been exacerbated by the subsequent use of marginal lands for cultivation .
26 This in turn led to DoE Circular 22/83 which recommends that planing gain is only reasonable where it can be said to fairly and directly relate to the actual development being proposed .
27 This in turn led to a hitherto unknown phase in quantum theory ( the ‘ Berry ’ phase ) , the full and profound implications of which are still being worked out .
28 I had brought off a successful forced landing , with no damage to man or machine , and afterwards I was able to describe the symptoms which led to the failure , which in turn led to the fault being found and cured .
29 The people who were left behind were unable to prevent the drift into ‘ tit for tat ’ terrorist vendettas with the IRAs which in turn led to ever larger numbers of their members being imprisoned .
30 Yet the ‘ Song of Eärendil ’ does of course tell a story as well : how Eärendil tried to sail out of this world to a kind of Paradise , how he succeeded in the end by virtue of the ‘ Silmaril ’ , how this in turn led to his becoming a star , or rather the helmsman of a celestial boat in which the burning Silmaril appears to Middle-earth as a star .
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