Example sentences of "and they take [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The only thing I can think of is that there is a convent near where I live , and they take a few elderly people . ’
2 Every one is different , everyone has its own pattern of possible rat runs and they take a great deal of er er
3 and they take a suitcase each
4 There 's a lot of adrenalin flowing , and erm they realise that there are pink bodies on the line , and they take a great deal of care in preparing the outfit before they go .
5 If you force people to choose between a family and a job I suppose , you know , women lots of women choose the family erm the only way women will achieve more educationally is to be able to combine the two things and not always have to make these crippling decisions and choices between two things which most human beings want , so there is a lot of money being spent on research into sex inequality and so on , and that 's encouraging , but I think it 's being spent in slightly the wrong way and I think there 's a tendency to evade the crucial issues which are , of course , rather deep social issues about the organization of the family and work and they take a lot of changing , so I am ambivalent about that one .
6 The structures so produced have some properties of a linguistic analysis of the definitions and some properties of a semantic definition of word sense concepts , and they take the basic syntactic form of nested feature lists .
7 Having examined the practice in different common law jurisdictions , their Lordships consider that the principles endorsed by the Jamaican Court of Appeal , particularly with regard to inconsistent previous statements , represent what will normally be an acceptable way of achieving fairness to the accused and they take the opportunity of saying that in a civilised community the most suitable ways of achieving such fairness ( which should not be immutable and require to be reconsidered from time to time ) are best left to , and devised by , the legislature , the executive and the judiciary which serve that community and are familiar with its problems .
8 The giving of legal advice and assistance in relation to matters arising in England and in foreign countries has been considered by the Central Committee and they take the view that standing the provision in the Act , all a Scottish solicitor is entitled to do is to give the client preliminary advice on his legal position and the course of action open to him .
9 And they take the cartridge out and they send it down to Cardiff which is where Mel is
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