Example sentences of "and at [art] later " in BNC.

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1 And at a later stage :
2 Many Sussex heathlands have become invaded by woodland , the silver birch and Scots pine predominating with rhododendron ( Rhododendron ponticum ) being common , and at a later stage sessile oak becomes dominant .
3 The statutory lettering and ‘ Type J/2 ’ were in white and at a later date the title ‘ SouthmeT ’ was applied to the centre of the side panel .
4 Within the holdings , the biggest disappointment was Thomson Corporation , which failed to live up to the hopes expressed in the last article that ( a ) the travel side would benefit from the collapse of Intasun , a major competitor , ( b ) that the results of the North American ( and at a later stage UK ) newspaper interests would reflect a developing cyclical upturn , and ( c ) that the professional publishing companies would maintain their profits momentum .
5 In the mid 1940s Battelle took an interest in developing the process further , and at a later date it was exploited through the Haloid Corporation after a research person had read about the technology in a journal .
6 If we start with the initial condition that I = O at t = 0 and at a later time t the current rises to I then the work done on the inductor is
7 And at a later date , part of them had been , another storey had put on to them .
8 As you are aware , we have created a new operations unit to concentrate on developing business opportunities firstly in Germany , and at a later stage , further east .
9 the modules in the steering file exist within the specified package structure and at a later version than currently referenced .
10 This is a minimum estimate , however , because our 1978 data , although incomplete , showed that four subjects acquired H pylori antibody and at a later date reverted to seronegative .
11 In his place , and at a later date , they quickly arranged for Roy Williams and John Barnes to extend their Northern tour in the comfort of the Inn Off The Park .
12 Another Mitchell known as " Puddin " was for many years tree planter in the village and at the later part of the 19th century planted trees around the cemetery , always maintaining he was one short , and if one takes the trouble to look there is a gap still awaiting the missing tree .
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