Example sentences of "and for the rest " in BNC.

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1 Certainly her marriage involved financial sacrifice and for the rest of her life she was almost always short of money .
2 And for the rest of his life he recoiled from the popular mission and missioner .
3 Joseph Damien , without hesitation , volunteered , and for the rest of his life lived among the lepers .
4 Karajan came down from his high conducting stool , the orchestra regrouped for a Mozart concerto , and for the rest of the afternoon the music-making was active and intense , full of a special vibrancy and good humour .
5 The Maastricht Treaty was a success both for Britain and for the rest of Europe .
6 With the tightening of world oil demand which will come in the 1990s and the beginnings of a ‘ catching-up ’ programme of crude price increases , it is to be hoped that measures will be taken in good time to counteract what could be a politically unacceptable and potentially debilitating economic dependence on imported energy , for the US and for the rest of the Western world .
7 This line goes through two data points , the values for the Greater London area and for the rest of the South East .
8 Delighted to be helpful , the white cells rub their genes together in glee , and for the rest of their lives curl up in their DNA sleeping bags .
9 Not all did as well as Nancy , both for themselves and for the rest of us .
10 When it had been authenticated by its silver hallmarks , Sir Charles bought it and for the rest of his life regarded it as an important heirloom .
12 Dorothy had an inspiration as to who they could go as , and for the rest of the evening they amused themselves digging through an old encyclopedia to find pictures from which to copy costumes .
13 And for the rest of the winter until only the Bundesbank knows when .
14 The leaders were to receive wages for their men for six months , and for the rest of the year they were to pay the troops out of the ransoms they expected to take .
15 Finnis explains that Aquinas regarded law as consisting in part of rules which are ‘ derived from natural law like conclusions deduced from principles ’ and for the rest of ‘ rules which are derived from natural laws like implementations [ determinationes ] of general directives ’ .
16 But shortly after , to my surprise , I saw the female and two kits peering out from one of the branch holes , surveying the river , and for the rest of the day I was treated to some amazing mink behaviour .
17 In the words of Roger of Howden , " the young King , of his own accord and under no compulsion , laying his hands on the Holy Gospels in the presence of a large crowd of clerks and laymen , swore that from that day onward and for the rest of his life he would be loyal to King Henry , his father and his lord , and would serve him faithfully .
18 For part of the day it is pounded by water and for the rest of the time it is exposed to the desiccating heat of the sun or the bitter cold of night .
19 Although ‘ swamping ’ by elderly disabled people was partly responsible for this situation , the lack of motivation is attributable to users ' earlier life experiences : for the majority rehabilitation was inappropriate and for the rest the facilities offered were inadequate .
20 Crete plays a full part in this and , as we shall see in the next chapter , in the revival of monumental art , but around the end of the seventh century goes into decline and for the rest of antiquity is an artistic backwater .
21 In two days we get everything we want and for the rest of the week he has his Christian customers .
22 Yet if they become fathers and stay with their partners , this affects them too , and for the rest of their lives .
23 She stayed off work that morning and for the rest of the week .
24 White excelled in this role and for the rest of his life retained many of the attributes of the old-fashioned schoolmaster .
25 In 1875 he published Diseases of the Hip , Knee , and Ankle Joints , with their Deformities , and for the rest of his life published many pamphlets setting out his ideas , but these were not widely distributed .
26 He never recovered , and for the rest of his life was incapable of intellectual work .
27 Then she turned back to Dane , effectively ending the audience , and for the rest of the trip her conversation was reserved for the driver alone .
28 If it is considered necessary to write to the police abroad then for EEC claims this will be done by the branches or handling agents and for the rest the file must be sent to H O Claims .
29 And for the rest , if any do challenge me , and I can not but defend myself , you shall hold me justified and excused .
30 If we were to force the electricity-generating companies to take coal in volumes and at prices that they do not want , the certain consequence would be higher electricity prices for the domestic customer and for the rest of British industry , which could in turn be bad for long-term job prospects .
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