Example sentences of "and for [adj] reasons " in BNC.

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1 There is no independently characterisable subclass of dogs for which being a pet is a necessary or canonical trait ( lap-dogs do not count , because they can not be distinguished without invoking the characteristic of pet-hood ) ; nor are there distinguishable sub-types of pet which are canonically or necessarily dogs ( except , of course , lap-dogs , which do not count here , either , and for parallel reasons ) .
2 The trips , made at public expense , included those made for political — Republican party — purposes and for personal reasons including dental appointments and skiing trips .
3 The people of Lewis do not always present a sympathetic profile but in this case they had my sympathy and for two reasons .
4 Not to have a vote , because of the guillotine and for other reasons , is to fail the very people for whom we should be speaking .
5 My Lords , I think I made it perfectly clear what I did mean er I did qualify it by saying that of course there are times when patients do have to wait on trolleys for diagnostic purposes , for observation and for other reasons er but once an admission has been agreed , then that patient should be admitted , that is our policy and that is what we 're working towards .
6 For better and for worse reasons as she had divined as a girl .
7 If the exchange has a contractual duty of care , it is probably limited to acting with reasonable care and skill in the best interests of the market as a whole , and for legitimate reasons .
8 Reports and assumptions such as this continued , off and on , throughout the year and reached a climax in December 1951 in a memorandum from the acting Assistant Secretary of State ( Allison ) to Acheson which reported that from various sources and for various reasons , not least the fact that some 200,000 Chinese communist troops in Kwangsi Province were prepared to move on Indo-China as ‘ volunteers ’ , a large-scale attack against French Union and Vietnamese forces in Tonkin must be expected on or about 28 December .
9 The outward speed of the solar wind is very high , about 400 km/s , and for various reasons hardly changes as it moves outwards .
10 erm local government , and I regret this , is probably going that way in that the demands upon Councillors are getting more and more , and for various reasons it is getting more and more difficult to find now in local government what I would call the amateur who who I think predominated in it , certainly outside the cities , up to nineteen seventy four .
11 It is widely recognised that it is not production of food but the low level of demand for food that is the problem for many and for varied reasons related to the forces and relations of production in which people are involved .
12 The disturbance of setts will only be permitted at certain locations and for specific reasons .
13 But sheep which cross national barriers , such as slaughter lambs for France , must carry a flock mark and for practical reasons that almost certainly means ear tags .
14 A university is a society — a society of those engaged in similar endeavour and for similar reasons .
15 The army suffered from separate ministers or officials being responsible for plans of campaign , billeting , pay , stores , engineering and artillery matters and movements , this last being designed to keep the military firmly under civilian control , and for similar reasons , instead of being billeted together , units were scattered over as many as six villages .
16 We may also detect a crisis of national consciousness in the old nations , and for similar reasons .
17 Like the multiculturalist project of reducing prejudice by teaching about other cultures , the antiracist project of providing superior explanations for unemployment , housing shortages , and so forth , has so far , and for similar reasons , produced only patchy evidence of success .
18 In terms of needing help , these are precisely the most vulnerable groups , and for good reasons they have therefore received more attention in earlier work on the elderly .
19 The fear of being on one 's own applies beyond childhood , and for good reasons .
20 Remember that we create our own reality ; we have each chosen to be exactly as we are , and for good reasons .
21 Now there are certain measures which housing associations enter into which we do n't and for good reasons which enable then to have perhaps in , on occasions , to have slightly lower turnaround times , okay .
22 Sadly he died shortly afterwards and for many reasons it was some months before I used the disc .
23 It came from many sources and for many reasons ; but the growth of Romanesque churches in the eleventh and early twelfth centuries was stimulated first and foremost by the flocks of pilgrims who arrived on major festivals and sought shelter and a place to worship in the presence of the high altar of a great church and the shrines of its saints .
24 Mexico apart ( and for domestic reasons no American government can ignore Mexico ) , the administration is not much bothered with what goes on in Latin America .
25 Although alienating some support by her excessive regard for the physiologically and morally uplifting properties of semen , she emphasized the erotic , mystical , and fulfilling aspects of sexual relations and for these reasons rejected the use of coitus interruptus and the condom , recommending instead the use of the vaginal rubber cap and the quinine ( spermicidal ) pessary which she naïvely believed to be generally available in chemist 's shops and which have never , in the event , proved to be very popular .
26 Less variable results were obtained with back titration and for these reasons , we suggest that back titration is the analytical technique of choice for determining alkali concentrations in saliva and oesophageal fluid .
27 Perhaps this debate wo n't be as lively and er as controversial as the one that er we arranged to have on the question of insider dealing but it is an important matter because auditing as I said , is not just as assistance to companies but it is a reassurance to the general public and the public at the moment are in need of grave reassurance that the insur that the er the financial services industry as well as industry generally , is being properly looked after and for these reasons er although we support er the orders before er the house tonight , we have no hesitation at all in ensuring that they are debated properly than not something that should simply go through on the nod .
28 Prior to the introduction of the Merger Regulation and for historical reasons , the control of mergers at Community level fell lamentably short of these objectives .
29 Then , during his three years in exile he came for the first time into close contact with the main exponents of the Gregorian ideal , and we must ask how far and in what circumstances he adopted the phraseology of the Gregorian reformers ; then , whether he adopted the theoretical structure which their favourite phrase libertas ecclesiae expressed , or adopted the phrase for use only in exceptional circumstances and for special reasons .
30 Given the possibility for agreement , albeit confused and for different reasons , from both left and right , legislation to enforce a National Curriculum should have come as no surprise to the educational world .
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