Example sentences of "and is often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This information can be practical , and is often gained from studying maps or books on geology .
2 It represents both the physical mihrab of the mosque and the spiritual archway to Paradise , and is often flanked by the " pillars of wisdom " ( pl. 31 ) .
3 A baby grand piano stands in the drawing room and is often played by guests ( not this one unfortunately ) .
4 Employment training in Britain is a scandal and is often run by Government-appointed has-beens from industry accountable to no-one .
5 The phase diagram for such systems , when the solvent is poor , is depicted by area A in figure 8.8 , where the critical temperature T c occurs near the maximum of the cloud-point curve and is often referred to as the upper critical solution temperature ( UCST ) .
6 The muscular frame lends itself to ‘ strength ’ sports and is often defined as the ‘ pear shape ’ because of the wide hips .
7 It can be connected to the rising t– main and is often fitted in houses with direct cold water systems to provide the hot water .
8 Built in 1814 , it is 72 feet high , and is often said to be the tallest windmill in the country , though that honour properly belongs to a tower mill at Sutton ( q.v. ) in Norfolk .
9 Even if the mahogany comes from other countries , such as the Philippines , they claim the trade causes serious environmental damage and is often taking place illegally .
10 It seems that buying and selling remainders is the lowest form of bookselling , and is often treated as such .
11 Modecate can be administered by means of ‘ depot ’ , or long-acting injections , and is often prescribed for schizophrenia .
12 Although he has lived in the UK since 1969 , Zarei was born in Iran and is often listed as Iranian , but he is officially a British athlete , and won an England vest when competing in the Milton Keynes 24-hour Championships in 1989 .
13 I invariably gain weight if I 've eaten rice the evening before because it retains water and is often served with spicy food which is dehydrating .
14 However , in this case a decision must be made and is often given on the flimsiest of grounds ( though that is not the fault of the refereeing panel ) .
15 Greek dress became more common for men after Hadrian 's enthusiastic adoption of Greek fashions , and is often seen in early Christian art .
16 However , a really heavy paper does not impress and is often seen more as ostentation than as a sign of quality .
17 Infrequently , a refractory pouchitis ( RP ) presents with certain clinical , endoscopic , and pathological features resembling Crohn 's disease and is often ascribed to misdiagnosis of the initial colitis .
18 [ See Fig. 2 ] Stromboli has been showing the same kind of activity more or less continuously for centuries , and is often called the ‘ lighthouse of the Mediterranean ’ .
19 This type of recognition is by definition off-line , and is often called optical character recognition ( OCR ) .
20 A shallow and wide window is not the best proportioned , and is often placed high on a wall .
21 It usually bears the median ocellus and is often delimited laterally by the frontogenal sulci and distally by the epistomal or frontoclypeal sulcus ( Fig. 5 ) , associated with which are the anterior tentorial invaginations .
22 The first half of this quotation is well known to lawyers and is often quoted .
23 The Landmark Trust is always willing to consider new candidates for restoration and is often restoring up to a dozen buildings at any one time .
24 This was the edition most commonly used in England till the publication of the Authorised Version in 1611 and is often known as the ‘ Breeches ’ Bible from the rendering in Genesis iii .
25 The species has been bred fairly often in captivity , and is often known as C. hellabruni , or the Chocolate Cichlid .
26 Coeliac disease , which causes intestinal problems and is often associated with complications of the nervous system , is treated by following a diet free from the protein gluten , found in wheat , barley and rye .
27 Nylon is crease-resistant and is often mixed with other fibres to give them this quality plus extra strength .
28 Yet it is difficult to learn , and is often read very slowly .
29 The sale and purchase agreement is drafted by the vendor 's solicitors and not the purchaser 's and is often enclosed in the transmittal letter .
30 The study of social material in art works has been very extensive , and is often taken , simply , as the whole content of a sociology of culture .
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