Example sentences of "and prepared the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tess cleared the ashes from the fireplace , cleaned the house and prepared the lunch , waiting for his return .
2 The council or Boule , which met daily and prepared the agenda for meetings of the citizen assembly , was enlarged from 400 to 500 members .
3 He made converts , and prepared the way for the real planning that began with the bombs of 1940–41 ’ ( Wright , 1982 , p. 9 ) .
4 This , his own recipe , he would entrust to no one else , though Heinrich had assembled and prepared the ingredients .
5 That is why , wrote Harsnet , I have been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , that is why I have cleared the decks and prepared the ground , because unless the decks are cleared and the g round prepared there is little hope of succeeding in what one has planned to do , little hope of achieving anything of lasting value , though lasting is a relative term and so is value and whatever it is one has planned to do is certain to be altered in the process , which does not of course mean , he wrote , that one can start anywhere at any time .
6 Among these long-term influences he included the deplorable state of the late medieval Catholic church , a widespread and deeply-rooted anti-clericalism , and the indigenous English heresy of Lollardy , which had both fuelled lay anti-clericalism and prepared the ground for later Protestant doctrines .
7 The pre-tests served to iron out anomalies , facilitated the development of a coding frame ( which allowed the raw data to be analysed using the Minitab Statistical package on the Brighton Polytechnic Vax computer ) , and prepared the ground for the pilot study which took place in a neighbouring health authority .
8 He had long intended , and prepared the ground for , some landed provision for Charles .
9 Some of the government appointments as heads of the programme companies were proven professionals — under ORTF : for example , in 1978 , the head of TFI , Jean-Louis Guillaud , had previously advised Pompidou on broadcasting and prepared the launching of the third channel ; the head of A2 , Maurice Ulrich , would later be ‘ Chef de Cabinet ’ of Chirac when premier ( 1986–8 ) ; Claude Contamine , head of FR3 , and later ( 1986–9 ) head of A2 , had been one of the first — when assistant DG of ORTF in 1964 — to commission work from independent producers , despite ORTF 's formal monopoly of production ; further proof-if it were needed — of the longevity of the connection between broadcasting and the state .
10 They had financed the clinic and prepared the set-up in Geneva especially to make use of her talent .
11 While the wife was getting dressed I took another cherry from the packet and prepared the thing .
12 By the time they moored out in Soufrière Bay and prepared the dinghy to row to shore , the sun was shining again , and the air felt fresher .
13 But , surely , the experience of past ages , and particularly of the last twenty-five years , will have taught men wisdom , and prepared the minds of all for a calm and dispassionate enquiry . ’
14 The room-service waiter appeared with their order twenty minutes later and prepared the table in the sitting room .
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