Example sentences of "and leave [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However campers should only stay for a night or two , be unobtrusive and sensitive to wildlife , and leave no litter .
2 Employers should never advise employees to sell their properties and leave no stake in the UK housing market .
3 If certain parties refuse to co-operate , we should get on with it anyway , and leave no vacuum to be filled by murders such as those which happened on Friday .
4 They nest at higher densities and leave no room for non-breeding birds , which are displaced and forced to ‘ irrupt ’ to unfamiliar ground .
5 Corbett could not prove that but he recognised the kind of man who could concoct cunning elixirs which could kill a man or woman and leave no trace .
6 Briefly , this meant the ability to ‘ take his work and leave it ’ : to start and finish the ploughing ; that is , to pen and shut up a furrow and leave every stetch , or parcel of furrows , straight and level and without a wrinkle to mar the whole length of it .
7 The commander of Desert Storm hopes , like Wellington , to solve this problem and leave a bootprint in history .
8 On the other hand on the other hand they could leave get the exact measurement right and leave a hole .
9 Diana could never go to bed and leave a mess behind , however late ; she would always tidy up and wash any dirty dishes .
10 ‘ They used to make me look a fool and leave a bowl outside for me . ’
11 ‘ They used to make me look a fool and leave a bowl outside for me . ’
12 But here we will make an end of it and leave a sign for all time that it should not be so . ’
13 Punch , will you ride to Bishopstow House forthwith and leave a message to the effect that Miss Abbott is here with me and that I will return her within the hour . ’
14 erm Somebody on this morning 's course said that they quite like answering machines , they use them like note pads , and they ring up people they know have got an answering machine so they can just leave a message , they say it 's quicker than writing a letter , and it 's easier than talking to them for hours , you can just ring them up and leave a message on their answering machine like a sort of note pad , which I had n't thought of , but I suppose it 's rather good , is n't it !
15 Burrows ultimately got death , but , before he was killed , he said in an interview , ‘ Do you have the right to carry on working and leave a man suffering ?
16 ‘ Do you have the right to carry on working and leave a man suffering ? ’
17 Why not let Hollywood make its Rambos and leave a love of the craft to the rest ?
18 And leave a bit of space .
19 Initially , in November , which is three months after Stavrogin was quoting Hamlet , Kirillov 's ‘ ROLE IS A FACTUAL ONE ’ — by which Dostoevsky means he ‘ volunteered to shoot himself for the common cause ’ and leave a letter claiming responsibility for Shatov 's murder , thus diverting the attention of the police from Peter Verkhovensky and the quintet .
20 It was in cities such as Rome , Venice , Florence and Verona that the Renaissance started — the re-awakening of the arts , new directions in painting and architecture — movements which were to span the continents and leave a legacy of culture unequalled anywhere in the world .
21 Their intention was to close 31 pits immediately , and leave a coal industry of about 20 pits and opencast at its present level .
22 I 'm sure the day after will be fine , but I 'll do as you say and leave a note .
23 Give me a moment or two to change my clothes and leave a note for Jules , then we 'll go out on the town . ’
24 ‘ Now 's the time to nail my colours to the mast , throw away the scabbard , buckle to , go the whole hog , cross the Rubicon , grab the bull by the horns , put my shoulder to the wheel and leave a note out for the milkman . ’
25 After five minutes , apply Clear Black Bison Wax Paste using 0000 steel wool to remove excess liming and leave a waxes finish .
26 Ah yes , but now that 's very interesting because that 's not the same as was the old regulation with the H N D recognition with Napier , and it used to be as I understood it that you had to actually be in membership and leave a period of time between doing the certificate and the diploma .
27 ‘ Just go in there and leave a package . ’
28 When you go out in the evening do you always draw the curtains and leave a light on ?
29 Like everyone else , I do my best , try very hard , and leave a lot to luck .
30 Open tunings work particularly well on this guitar , although the Spanish-style Schaller tuners have a strong delayed-action feel and leave a lot to be desired .
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