Example sentences of "and possibly the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll be looking at the top 3 in the league and possibly the Gold Cup or Knock Out Cup .
2 Likewise young females have the problem of choosing mates that will provide them with vigorous young and possibly the assistance they need to rear them .
3 In this situation , when casting off , the first shoulder , the second shoulder , and possibly the neckline are in holding position .
4 Erm and possibly the installation of mini roundabouts at the minor junctions erm would give us quite a lot of benefit .
5 Anyone interested in taking up quilling should contact their local library which should be able to provide a quilling handbook and possibly the phone number of a local quilling group .
6 The most common colour is solid dark red and the breed originated from local red-and-white Breton cattle ( such as the Breton Red Pied and possibly the Froment du Léon ) crossed with Durham Shorthorns from 1840 .
7 Liddle 's try was swiftly followed by a Parker penalty then hooker Steven Brotherstone brought the sides level with the try of the match and possibly the try of the season .
8 By the end of the reign of Suleyman ( 1566 ) the class and possibly the Suleymaniye medreses as a class had come into existence .
9 in particular and , and some put gateway effect and possibly the ramble you see for example on the A twelve at Brandon in , er , er Brentham rather is something that we feel we could do readily and in the near future , so an element of that is calming in the very foreseeable future , more comprehensive traffic calming a little further into the horizon and I 'm afraid the bypass some time much further into the horizon , I think Chairman , I hope that er Miss that 's an adequate summary of our discussion .
10 But it might also be famed for having the only junior school rock climbing club in Cumbria — and possibly the country — where nine to 11-year-olds climb up to Hard Severe .
11 Many local authorities are issuing court summonses and spending much time and money trying to persuade them that the poll tax has not been abolished and that it will be with us next year and possibly the year after .
12 I may be naive , and possibly the Minister will tell us differently , but perhaps there were no professional advisers in England and Wales .
13 Often land owned by the company for many years is shown at cost and few people , other than the directors and possibly the company 's bank manager , are aware of the true value of the land stock .
14 The whole region is rich in wineries , and perhaps it 's the quality and possibly the quantity of Rhine wine that gives Boppard such a lovely feel .
15 It would also mean massive computer reprogramming and possibly the expense of other computer programmes which would have to be introduced .
16 Leicester will be without their centre Paul Dodge and possibly the flanker Ian Smith for Saturday 's Courage league game at Harlequins .
17 Thus waterhole has enhanced scientific understanding of the mechanism itself and of how currents interact to accelerate particles Brian Whalen of the NRC points out that auroral activity is known to affect radio waves and power lines and possibly the weather , too , .
18 This has arisen because , with the exception of the rabbit and possibly the human ( see Chapter 14 ) , the mouse is the only species that can be cultured in vitro over the entire pre-implantation period .
19 The double-axe was probably potnia 's symbol , and possibly the pillar and the snake were her symbols too .
20 This could take the form of group briefings or individual counselling sessions with the employee ( and possibly the employee 's spouse ) .
21 Among them , a black and white jackdaw hopped , a magic sign of great portent and possibly the reason why the camp had been pitched there in the first place .
22 He had a good knowledge of Scotland , particularly the bagpipes , and I am sure if I had offered to go along to Brigade HQ to fetch my bagpipes he would have had me marching up and down the orchard playing his favourite tunes , much to the consternation of the other Commandos , and possibly the annoyance of the Germans just a short distance away .
23 The three islands councils , Highland Region and Highlands and Islands Enterprise , plus a representative of the district councils and possibly the health boards , will meet to thrash out a list of priorities , as has already been happening under Objective 5b .
24 This supposition has been overshadowed by the ‘ Vendobionta ’ hypothesis , in which Ediacaran animals are thought to constitute an extinct clade of multicellular eukaryotes , neither diploblast nor triploblast , with a unique construction of tough cuticle and mattress-like body , and possibly the absence of alimentary tract , musculature and nervous tissue .
25 Forests disappeared , reducing grazing areas and possibly the number of cattle .
26 And possibly the parish , too . ’
27 ( i ) slimy , sleazy , slut , slouch , slovenly , slob , slattern , slither , slink , etc. ( ii ) glow , glimmer , gleam , glisten , glitter , glare , etc. and possibly the vowel in ( iii ) coon , goofy , goon , loony , fool , drool , moon ( around ) , noodle ( fig. ) , etc .
28 Provider : The individual member in resonse to a demand from their employer or from the market eg publications , conference organiser Subject matter : This covers ‘ specialist ’ knowledge and possibly the application .
29 Here , you must also treat the dog 's bed and bedding , and possibly the carpet , because fleas breed off the dog in its environment .
30 Because no seismic sources have been detected above sea level in the whole period of observation , we conclude that the fractured region and possibly the intrusion also extend down below sea level .
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