Example sentences of "and to provide [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
2 The sports and leisure accident plan offer two levels of cover for injury during leisure time — standard or premium — with the option to include particularly hazardous sports and to provide cover for cardmembers ' spouses .
3 The real solution therefore is to constri construct an orbital relief road system so as to reduce traffic flows in the towns and to provide scope for implementation of a balanced package of transportation measures within the urban area .
4 Others sip nectar during their brief lives to renew their energies and to provide sustenance for egg production , but none need to feed in order to build their bodies ; their growth has come to an end .
5 The essence of a ‘ contrat de programme ’ or ‘ contrat d'entreprise ’ is that a state enterprise agrees to achieve targets for economic performance , physical output , productivity , quality of service , and so on in return for a commitment from the government to provide necessary finance , and to provide compensation for obliging the enterprise to undertake non-commercial activities in the public interest ( Durupty 1986b : 357–96 ) .
6 The Kuwaiti government used its funds to provide substantial assistance to the build-up of anti-Iraqi forces in the Gulf and to provide funding for countries adversely affected by the imposition of international sanctions against Iraq .
7 It was revealed by García , in an interview with the news agency Reuters in the following week , that bonuses were to be offered to producers to encourage silver bullion exports and to provide stability for mining companies and their employees .
8 A favourable monsoon season and a record harvest in 1988-89 of 172,000,000 tonnes of food grain were not enough to prevent the need to continue to import rice and wheat in order to maintain distribution and to provide food for the country 's growing population ; however , the improvement in the agricultural sector did contribute to a major increase in gross domestic product ( GDP ) , of 9 per cent in real terms in 1988-89 , helped by increases in industrial and manufacturing production .
9 Glenand was set up almost eleven years ago on the initiative of a group of local people to service the community , to provide jobs for local people and to provide training for young people in the Andersonstown and Glen Road areas ( hence the name — Glen And ) .
10 And in the vast majority , if not in all the parables , certainly in ninety nine percent of them , Jesus is not teaching a multitude of different things , he 's teaching one basic truth , and everything else is just to su substantiate and to provide illustration for that .
11 The MORI survey was conducted to measure the success of the Prospectus and to provide feedback for the second edition , which has now been published .
12 Another essential ingredient of our diet is fibre , the importance of which is to provide bulk to keep our gastro-intestinal tracts working satisfactorily and to provide nourishment for the beneficial bacteria which , in health , inhabit our large intestines and supply us with a not inconsiderable proportion of our daily vitamin requirements .
13 We recognise the need to strengthen the voices of those in North America who are marginalised by the dominant culture and to provide access for their participation in both mass and alternative media .
14 The FSID was founded in 1971 with the aim of raising funds for research into the causes of cot death , to support bereaved parents and to provide information for health professionals and the public .
15 The two objectives of land registers are to encourage the disposal of unused or under-used land in public ownership and to provide information for potential purchasers .
16 This required every Elf to spend at least part of the year as part of a military force , and to provide wargear for himself .
17 The purpose of this section of the Personal Accident and Sickness manual is to clarify some of the ‘ grey ’ areas that can , and have , proved contentious in the past and to provide guidance for the handling of such situations in the future .
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