Example sentences of "and to help [pers pn] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 They realise that Compact enables them to have a say in the shape of education for the 1990s and to help them meet their projected employment needs .
2 The centre 's goal has been to enhance the quality of life of people who have cancer , and to possibly allay progression of the disease ; to give people some feeling of control over their lives and their healthcare , and to help them cope better with having cancer .
3 The women 's organizations in Nicaragua and ANDES 21 de junio , the teachers ' association , have arranged weekly visits to the camps to talk to the women about the political situation in El Salvador and to help them organize collectively :
4 Answer guide : To help them control the level of their expenditure , to assist in planning future levels of expenditure , to help them raise additional finance ( e g. mortgages , hire-purchase etc. ) , and to help them decide the best way to spend their money .
5 Thirdly we can support training schemes designed to improve the employability of local people and to help them get jobs .
6 to show his students the ways by which great art creates its effects , leading them to a finer appreciation and fuller response , and to help them appreciate more fully the authors ' insights , so often deeper than our own [ sic ] , contribute towards our understanding of ourselves , our community , and life itself .
7 We have a lot of people prepared to give of their time voluntarily to help young people get the kind of training they require and to help them find jobs .
8 There are lots of fluids out there , they are there for the embalmer to increase his expertise and to help him make his cases better , the chemical companies give technical support and do a lot of research into their products .
9 She has to know how to deliver appropriate information to the patient , to overcome the neurological deficit which is the result of the brain damage , and to help him react in the way she wishes by producing carefully controlled movements .
10 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
11 They can be helped to relate to the disturbed individual in the most supportive manner ( Leff et al. , 1982 ) , and to help him develop positive skills ( Falloon et al. , 1982 ) .
12 I am writing this partly to get it clear in my head and to help me make up my mind .
13 First then , continuing our series of programmes on applications of computers , today we 're going to look at the so-called microprocessor , and to help me do this I have Doctor Fred Halsall and Doctor Paul Lister , who are engineers and specialists in this particular area .
14 And to help me provide some answers , I have with me Dick Grimsdale , who is Professor and Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the university ; Joe Turner , who is a Developmental Psychologist ; and Peter Dauber , who is a Physicist and colleague of mine .
15 While Davidge could not at that time be more specific , he observed , ‘ the appointment of Sir Anthony is intended to stimulate discussion and to help us rexamine all existing and potential services ’ .
16 He has done a great deal of important work to expose the problem and to help us find a solution to it .
17 In chapter 27 , when Jacob steals his blessing , the writer goes to great lengths , as we have indicated already , to evoke our sympathy for Esau , and to help us share his anguish .
18 ‘ Sometimes we laugh to cover up nervousness and to help us relax .
19 The Attorney General will soon convene a crime summit of our nation 's law enforcement officials , and to help us support them we need tough crime control legislation , and we need it now .
20 Quite a number of speakers stressed the importance of events like this to bring people together and to help us recognise our collective strengths .
21 R.S. used Hill and Knowlton to research the five counties and to help it produce the relocation documentation .
22 They will be able to send you some materials to give you a plan for getting started and to help you think through the two important questions :
23 Its sole aim is to set you thinking along constructive lines , to indicate what is possible , to advise on the best sources of information and to help you avoid the pitfalls that can trap the unwary .
24 There are tennis courts at many of our hotels and within the resorts and to help you make your holiday choice we provide this brief guide .
25 A solicitor will be able to explain this to you and to help you make suitable arrangements for your children .
26 This leaflet outlines the international payment services available through Midland , which are designed to remove some of the headaches associated with importing and exporting , and to help you trade more profitable .
27 You may divide it into sections , such as in the tables , record it just as it is spoken , or however else you wish , but do record it for later reference and to help you learn .
28 And to help you appreciate the surroundings — and to protect and conserve them — the council has expanded its Countryside Ranger Service .
29 You may find it useful actually to write similar sentences or even your introductory chat on your question list to remind you if your mind goes a blank and to help you see the shape of the interview you are planning .
30 At the time of publishing our brochure , most of the dates and artists are still not arranged and to help you find your way through the information maze , we have set up our own Jazz Club ‘ All That Jazz ’ , ( membership is free ) .
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