Example sentences of "and thus [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This is all very much to the good but my inner voice keeps muttering ‘ That 's not it at all ’ — because studies of this kind never attempt to cross the boundary-line between behaviour and inner experience , and thus tend to side-track the issue I am raising here .
2 More importantly , the different types of phonetic , metrical , syntactic and semantic parallelism in poetic language indicate iconically a connection of meaning between the terms involved , and thus point to or reinforce the analogies between disparate elements from which , in his opinion , so much of the effect of poetry derives .
3 He raised that study to the rank of a single comprehensive and independent science , and thus deserved to be reverently regarded by posterity as the eponymous hero of all the long line of later scholars " .
4 He said that the increasing number of pressure groups in other EC countries ( which at the moment have fewer groups than the UK ) would influence both public and political opinion and thus contribute to a situation in which implementation and enforcement of EC environmental legislation would improve .
5 The purpose of such a tax would be to make forms of energy which emit carbon dioxide , and thus contribute to global warming , more expensive compared with those ( such as nuclear power ) which do not .
6 Planting large areas of marginal land in the tropics with trees has frequently been advanced as an ideal solution , since fast-growing young trees will act as a " sink " for carbon dioxide emissions which would otherwise rise into the atmosphere and thus contribute to the greenhouse effect .
7 More immediately , it was very good to see the Prime Ministers of Czechoslovakia and Hungary , and the acting Prime Minister of Poland , in Brussels on Monday , signing the association agreements between those countries and the Community and thus bringing to fruition an initiative begun by my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) .
8 In other words , controlling as he did the nominations to all learned appointments in whichever of the areas he was then kazasker , he would urge young scholars to enter the relative dead end of the career of kasabat kadi and thereby prevent them from passing up through the ranks of medreses to become candidates for mevleviyets and thus rivals to his own position .
9 Biologically this can not be true , but it may be an assertion of political friendship and thus relate to Valentinian 's diplomacy .
10 Sambrook , on the other hand , sees greater efficacy in Goldsmith 's protest ; he suggests that this poet ‘ established the myth of rural catastrophe in its familiar form ’ and thus contributed to the development of English Utopianism among writers from Wollstonecraft to Ruskin who project a countryside humanized by fit housing and land reform .
11 In Western market economies the law has underpinned the market and thus contributed to economic development .
12 This means that many mergers for which there have been no demonstrable advantages , but which have not been found to be overtly anti-competitive , have been allowed through , and thus contributed to the general increase in industrial concentration .
13 The paper , he said , moved the argument against mining on environmental grounds one step further by suggesting that the world could not afford the ecological price of meeting its present demand for mineral resources , and by arguing that the mining industry was a profligate user of energy and thus contributed to global warming .
14 For these countries , the scale of expansion was not affected by the dollar crisis ( although the form may have been — the ‘ automatic ’ nature of the monetary expansion generated by dollar inflows may have bred a more monetary , and less fiscal , policy mixture than would otherwise have been adopted , and thus contributed to the easy money regime ) .
15 The stoicism with which the Masai endured the harsh circumstances of their lives made a deep impression on the British , and the opportunity to share that hard life and thus to display to some extent their own possession of this admirable quality was part of Masailand 's attraction for many Englishmen .
16 In the Abdaly region of northern Kuwait there are some 156 farms which are separated by desert and thus exposed to sandstorms , where metal wind-breaks and shelter-belts have not prevented sand encroachment , largely as Al-Nakshabandi and El-Robee have suggested , due to poor management .
17 She waved and then crossed her arms to lean on the fence and thus indicated to him that there was no hurry , there was nothing urgent .
18 Using these means the enclosed volume may be declared to contain material and thus conforms to the conditions necessary for the definition of a solid .
19 What carried pagan religious significance , and thus had to be shunned , and what was mere urban romping , and might therefore be — just — tolerated ?
20 Further , 25% of tutors ' fees were not grant-aided and thus had to be met from other sources principally donations , subscriptions and through appeals to branches , with some assistance from the National WEA when its own difficult financial position allowed , usually about £50 a year .
21 It may be significant , however , that Mr Allworthy 's house is Gothic , and thus belongs to an older pattern of society and architecture with a rather different idea of human community .
22 Nutritionists and cartographers still draw the so-called ‘ hunger line ’ through Asia and the Americas ; the poorer people who live in those countries that are sandwiched between Mexico and Chile , and between North Korea and New Guinea , exist on diets of fewer than 2,250 calories a day , and thus go to bed each night hungry .
23 This leads us to the disturbing conclusion that there is a degree of subjectivity in identifying a stretch of language as discourse — it may be meaningful and thus communicate to one person in a way which another person does not have the necessary knowledge to make sense of — yet in practice we find that discourse is usually perceived as such by groups , rather than individuals .
24 His legal advisers are anxious to establish a functioning police and judiciary system so that Somalis can begin to administer themselves — and thus bring to an end the violent anarchy that has caused the death from famine of up to 400,000 people .
25 The growing demands and applications being made of plastics are filtering through to the additive market , requiring them to be constantly updated and made more efficient , and thus leading to higher prices , explained the report .
26 The sorghum and millets correspond in size and structure to modern wild varieties of these plants and thus seem to be parts of an economy based on gathering wild plant foods .
27 The toilets and urinals were to the left of this section — the urinals being roofless and thus open to the elements .
28 All the commonly-kept leather corals harbour symbiotic algae ( zooxanthellae ) in their tissues , and thus need to be kept in a brightly-lit aquarium .
29 These cognitive factors have a direct influence on the query formulation and thus need to be investigated as an integral part of the information-seeking process .
30 This independence of knowledge sources during processing meant that the lexical access component could be directed to any part of the phoneme graph , and thus left to right strategies as used in HARPY could be compared with island-driving strategies which began anywhere along the time dimension of the search space .
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