Example sentences of "and gave [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Chief Executive Neville Chamberlain welcomed the delegates and gave a general review .
2 ‘ If you remember , ’ she began , and gave a mighty hiccup , ‘ you yourself refused to have poor Harrison indoors . ’
3 Li Yuan turned and looked across at Tsu Ma , who smiled and gave a tiny nod of his head .
4 He smiled and gave a tiny bow .
5 Mrs Garfitt , fat , voluble and slovenly , paused for breath and gave a perfunctory stir to something that looked like workhouse broth on one of the meatless days .
6 She stirred as they entered and gave a creaking groan as she began to waken .
7 We helped her with her problem because it meant she relaxed and gave a better ‘ performance ’ .
8 Apparently , though , her innocent looks convinced him , because he leaned back again and gave a weary sigh .
9 Robyn took a deep breath and gave a half-hearted knock at the front door .
10 She lolled a little to one side and gave a bleary smile and a screech of laughter .
11 It also reflected the society 's work effectively and gave a helpful analysis of expenditure in the summary accounts .
12 Finally she lifted her head and gave a confident smile .
13 Sammy bounded on ahead and gave a loud bark at the nag .
14 As she went through the hall , though , she glanced out of the front windows , and gave a loud groan as she saw Eleanor 's car parked on the drive outside .
15 She turned over and gave a loud wail .
16 The name of John Gould soon became synonymous with the fantastic bower-bird , and gave a new ornithological slant to one of the popular songs of the day : ‘ Will you join in the evening and charm us as you ever have done at the piano ’ , asked Gould of Mrs Owen shortly after his return , ‘ …
17 From the 1670s and 1680s onwards the colourful and varied light-weight fabrics known as ‘ Norwich Stuffs ’ became fashionable and gave a new stimulus to an old industry .
18 The conflict bred solidarity among Arab oil states and gave a new impetus to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) , a cartel of the major non-US oil producers which had previously been rendered ineffective by internal divisions .
19 It demanded very little and gave a good deal in return .
20 Hewitt had only just broken through into the first team and gave a good account of himself in matches against Crewe and Chesterfield .
21 Does the Prime Minister recall that in 1986 he announced the closure of DHSS resettlement centres and gave a firm promise that they would not close until alternative accommodation was available ?
22 Flickering along northern horizons the aurora borealis or Northern Lights lit up most of Britain 's sky in September 1951 and gave a brilliant show across north-west Europe in September 1958 .
23 It broke up into tiny specks as it was blown across the painting and gave a nice granular texture to the whole surface .
24 She took the hands of those on either side of her , lowered her head and gave a constipated grunt .
25 Ironically , Beveridge actually hoped that a pension which reduced income and gave a higher pension to those who stayed at work , would encourage people to defer retirement : ‘ Making receipt of pension conditional on retirement is not intended to encourage or hasten retirement .
26 He obediently followed her into the back kitchen , and gave a delighted whoop when he saw the big pot of homemade faggots and mushy peas simmering on the polished black range .
27 In 1814 indeed , after his triumph over Marshal Soult at Orthez , Wellington himself was made much of by the local Royalists , who greeted him as their ‘ liberator ’ and gave a great ball in his honour .
28 Mama looked up and gave a great big sigh .
29 Nathan threw his head back and gave a great shout of laughter .
30 He threw up one arm and gave a great cry as the gun went off .
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