Example sentences of "and members [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But one feature of a catalogue of an exhibition for a living artist which is different is the likely inclusion of reminiscences from colleagues and members of the artist 's family , who may make enlightening comments .
2 In Northern Ireland , the catholic schools ' sector is provided for out of state funds , and remains under the governorship of the local clergy , now assisted by laity and members of the local educational and library boards .
3 Later in the day , following a meeting in Dartford , Kent , with Tory MPs and members of the public protesting over the route of the planned Channel tunnel high-speed rail link , Mr Parkinson reiterated his faith in a private sector solution to the funding crisis .
4 The story is recounted by the unnamed founder of the Mnemosyne Institute in Philadelphia , an elderly widower who has recently retired after making his millions as instructor to ‘ executives , politicians and members of the defense establishment ’ .
5 As long as health and safety at work is seen as an optional extra more so-called ‘ Acts of God ’ are in the making , and more workers and members of the public will pay the price .
6 The announcement of their sentences — seven and eight years respectively - has precipitated a series of clashes between students and members of the security forces , who were said to have used bayonets .
7 The victims have included priests , human rights workers and members of the judiciary investigating human rights abuses .
8 Certain types of individual tend to get treated more leniently , such as part-time members of the security forces , firemen , and members of the Territorial Army , although pulling status does not always work .
9 Parents , friends and members of the Association were present , including AVM Sir John Severne and his wife .
10 This includes : making written submissions to public bodies ; lobbying MPs and Members of the House of Lords when legislation on anything connected with music , like copyright , is being enacted ; representing musicians ' interests in national and international forums on issues such as the collection and payment of royalties on behalf of performers and composers .
11 Dear Mr Tatchell When I lived in Bermondsey , until my family were bombed out while I was fighting to protect my country from outside evils , we had a saying , Bermondsey was a place where men were men and women counted as ‘ manholes ’ and members of the ‘ Middlesex Regiment ’ would not be tolerated .
12 Royal reporters have been speculating on a new pregnancy for years , and members of the public have been no less nosy .
13 The military parade was cancelled and members of the republic 's leadership fled from the raised viewing podium .
14 Its report , published on April 19th , speaks of hundreds of people , most of them Palestinian , arbitrarily arrested , many tortured and ‘ scores ’ of people killed by the Kuwaiti armed forces and members of the resistance .
15 Having thus effectively stopped the Plans dead in their tracks , he then proceeded , in the name of the President , to dry up the outward flow of all planning information from Detroit , so that , from that moment on , only he and members of the world planning group would be aware of what was going on , worldwide , at the planning stage .
16 Moreover , elements of the personality cult had attained far wider resonance and , as we have seen in earlier chapters , can be said to have affected the vast majority of the population , leaving completely untouched only sections still wholly anchored ideologically in left-wing philosophies of life , those totally alienated by the attacks on the Churches , and a few exceptional individuals among intellectuals and members of the upper bourgeoisie who despised the irrationality of the Führer cult , were entirely nauseated by the populist vulgarity of Nazism , and could see national disaster looming .
17 In London the President of the Wesleyan Conference in 1899–1900 , the Rev. F. W. Macdonald , was ‘ presented at Court … [ and ] dined with the President and members of the Royal Academy , with the Lord Mayor of London , the Lord Mayor of Liverpool , and with two or three Cabinet Ministers . ’
18 Miss Ying Chueng 's departure followed complaints from a guest conductor , Gunter Herbig , and members of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra , that her moans of appreciation were spoiling a performance being broadcast live on Radio 3 .
19 Less easy to determine is precisely what impact the newcomers , a familiar mixture of trade union officials and members of the teaching profession , would have on the political hue of the parliamentary party .
20 Then there are all those schoolteachers , dons , television producers , writers on arts pages and members of the agitating classes who want a Labour win in order to impose Political Correctness .
21 Public support for the General Strike was most evident in Cambridge where students and members of the University were openly supportive and where Pateman arranged a WEA class in public speaking .
22 But it was not only officers and members of the WEA and the District who were pleased with the final agreement over the rural areas scheme and the conclusion of negotiations of byzantine complexity extending over a period of four difficult years .
23 We will give special attention to the establishment of small businesses by women , and members of the ethnic minority communities , who often face difficulties raising venture capital .
24 Accurate and detailed accounts need to be kept and these should be open for inspection at any time by governors and members of the organising committee with a financial statement presented at an annual meeting .
25 An example comes from Williams ( 1981 , p.23 ) when he discusses the beneficiaries of a large World Bank project in Nigeria : ‘ these rich beneficiaries are drawn from army officers , government officials , contractors , merchants and members of the office-holding aristocracy , who purchase land in anticipation of benefits from the project and from cheap bank credits ’ .
26 In 1963 the Peerage Bill became law and members of the House of Lords could now renounce their titles and preserve their political careers in the Commons .
27 It was , for example , a National Front meeting in Southall Town Hall on St George 's Day 1979 that sparked off the clashes between police and members of the local community during which Mr Blair Peach was fatally injured ( NCCL , 1980 ) .
28 Mr. Ockenden lives in Thorn Lane , Four Marks and his presentation was attended by scouters from all the groups in the district , the district chairman Derek Drew , and members of the executive committee .
29 ‘ Learned pigs ’ were often exhibited at fairs ; they answered questions by pointing to cards , letters , and members of the audience , PFI 9 .
30 Some names have already been mentioned but it is possible to think of so many : of Mr Tommy and Mr Bobbie Reynolds and their work in choir and Sunday School , of the dignified and gracious figures of Mr and Mrs T H Watson ( parents of the Reverend George Watson ) , of Mr W A Mullen DL and his son Mr Cecil Mullen , generous and energetic benefactors of the church in so many ways , of Mr R J Magowan OBE JP for over 40 years secretary of the Trustees , of the brothers Mr Herbie and Mr David McClatchey , their service as Trustees and members of the choir , of Mr David Lyttle , Mr Norman Lyttle and Mr Sammy Lyttle , active in all aspects of the church 's life but especially concerned with choir and Sunday Schools of Mr Willie Holmes and his daughters Winnie and Amy , of Mr David Lamb and his family , of Mr Twinem Jackson , who , with Mr Magowan , still had time to give years of public service to the community at large in Portadown , of Mr C J McKinley , concerned with the Building Fund over the years and Superintendent of the morning Sunday School from 1943 to the 1960s , of Mrs Sleator with her wholehearted love for the church and for people , of Mr Bertie Montgomery , always cheerful and serene , who , among so many other things , began the practice of taping the services for the benefit of the elderly and housebound , of M Alfred Shortt and his long and generous association with the Sunday School , or Mr Dan Humphries , helping over the years with the church 's finances , of members of the Calvert and Hardy families and of those who , belonging to other Societies , nevertheless gave years of service to Edenderry — Mr Sam Robinson , Mr Joseph Cranston , Mr John Curry , Mr James Mullen , Mr W J Green , Mr Isaac Holland , Mr Eric Walker , and Mr William Bustard .
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