Example sentences of "and prepare [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Philosophically and technically town planning demonstrated in Britain , as elsewhere , an operational capacity to conceive and prepare a metropolitan plan , robust enough to stand the test of time .
2 To catalogue and prepare a major sale will take months .
3 So the little tailor turned to , and prepared a splendid pie , from flour and meat and onions he found there and decorated its top with beautifully formed pastry leaves and flowers , for he was a craftsman , even if he could not exercise his own craft .
4 Mr Litmus had returned to his lab and prepared a small bottle of acid , hoping it was enough to burn through the metal bars .
5 In cross-examination Mr. Burgess was asked why he had not accepted the deceased 's instructions and prepared a new will .
6 ( b ) The surveyor measures on site the work executed by the subcontractor each week and prepares a weekly account .
7 She keeps the place clean and dusted , and prepares the odd meal for me , if I 'm too busy to do it myself .
8 The Institute will be devoting considerable time and effort , in the coming months , to taking a leading role in the consultation process and preparing a coherent and comprehensive response to the important issues the APB has raised .
9 A tutor from the centre where the applicant has applied to study , will act as mentor and advise/assist the applicant as necessary in completing the form and preparing a supportive portfolio of documentary evidence .
10 This module aims to develop life skills in money management including calculating income and deductions from income , making decisions on saving and spending and preparing a personal budget .
11 The fees for a fuller report are , of course , higher than for the society 's valuation report , because the surveyor will spend more time both inspecting the property and preparing a fuller report suitable for your needs .
12 Boys usually went underground at around twelve years of age , having previously worked on sorting and preparing the raised ores at the surface .
13 Yes , we do get Rugby Special on a Sunday , at a time when most of the rugby fraternity are spending time recovering from the previous day 's actions , catching up with family life and preparing the next week 's work .
14 I 'd prefer to treat the current-awareness function separately , and prepare a monthly bulletin , using the Library package , based on staff research interests .
15 Go right through your organization and prepare a detailed resource inventory and expenditure schedule .
16 This small project was provided to enable the investigators to incorporate the revised data into their working files , validate their preliminary results and prepare the complete data set for inclusion in an archive of comparable British time budget surveys from 1961-1984 , which is to be made available to the social science community .
17 Safety/environment : Ensure that our good record on safety improvement is sustained ; set environmental targets , record progress and prepare an external communications programme to tell people what we are doing ; give employees the facts first so they can be ambassadors for the company .
18 Scott prepared a plan showing the relationship between the Foreign Office and the India Office which he sent to the Office of Works , who then on 17th January , 1859 instructed him to proceed with detailed drawings and prepare an approximate estimate of the cost of the new Foreign Office .
19 On the death of Pope Pius XII he wrote : ‘ One of my favourite phrases brings me great comfort : we are not on earth as museum-keepers , but to cultivate a flourishing garden of life and to prepare a glorious future ’ ( Capovilla , 1978a , p. 481 ) .
20 In 1992 , the Board of the Scottish Council for Research in Education , which contains nominees from a wide range of Scottish bodies with an interest in education , agreed to consider priority areas for research and to prepare a brief paper each year .
21 If the court order refers to matters other than the matrimonial home it is no doubt better to keep these extraneous matters private and to prepare an abstract ( and mark the same as examined against the original order ) of the relevant part of the court order .
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