Example sentences of "and carry [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The very activity is also an expression of faith in the tradition , of a willingness to understand oneself and the world in its terms and to carry on the argument , which in the area with which we are concerned is inescapably a normative argument , within the general framework defining the tradition .
2 I decided to go back to the village , to thank him for all his help , and to carry out a plan I had been considering for some time .
3 This project unites a joint team of British and French economists and lawyers from the Universities of Sussex and Grenoble to review the existing evidence in a dispassionate collaborative manner to try to develop a common view and to carry out a limited number of new investigations in areas of particular sensitivity .
4 Following intervention by Dee and Clwyd flood defence committee , the Countryside Council for Wales decided to defer notification and to carry out a study of the site .
5 What Clark did was to imagine what substances are responsible for killing parasites in these systems — and to carry out the experiments that prove his idea .
6 ‘ The powers conferred by section 268 are powers directed to enabling the court to help a liquidator to discover the truth of the circumstances in connection with the affairs of the company , information of trading , dealings , and so forth , in order that the liquidator may be able , as effectively as possible , and , I think , with as little expense as possible … to complete his function as liquidator , to put the affairs of the company in order and to carry out the liquidation in all its various aspects , including , of course , the getting in of any assets of the company available in the liquidation .
7 At the girls ' establishment where she had been sent at huge expense to learn music and French and to carry out the ornate disciplines conceived by the headmistress — including communal teeth-washing in the gardens , winter and summer , and then communal gargling into the rosebeds , which the headmistress regarded as a form of manure-spreading — the pain was put down to growing too fast .
8 They will have to learn how to present new lexis , structure and discourse forms appropriate to the tasks to be set in the assessments ; to construct cue cards for the practice of the language functions ; to manage the moves from class teacher to pair work organiser and to individual helper ; and to carry out the assessments in a rigorous manner .
9 In practice it is impossible to maintain any rigorous separation between executive power and legislative power — between the power to set down the broad direction of the state and to carry out the laws , and the power to make laws and general rules — and , in Britain , Bagehot saw the fusion as taking place in the Cabinet which he said was a committee of the legislative body chosen by the Commons to be the executive body and rule the nation .
10 3.1.1 " Tenant 's Approvals " means all ( if any ) approvals consents permissions and licences of any local or other competent authority which may from time to time be necessary to enable the Tenant lawfully to commence and to carry out the Tenant 's Works
11 In practice , the Director of Public Prosecutions does not prosecute films with BBFC certificates for cinema showing , so distributors prepared to pay the certification fee and to carry out the " cuts " insisted upon by the Board are in effect guaranteed freedom from police harassment .
12 On many occasions the interpolation splits the syntax of the spoken words in ways that require the reader not only to register the speaker but to store and carry over the syntax and sense of the quoted words :
13 Thus in Ibrams ( 1982 ) there had been considerable ill-treatment and violence by the deceased towards D and his girlfriend , and this led them eventually to plan and carry out a night-time raid on the deceased 's flat , during which they attacked and killed him .
14 the governing body , together with the headteacher , to develop and carry out a … plan for their school … to take account of the full range of their responsibilities … set out in the Act .
15 In their view , the EC must be endowed with the ability to formulate and carry out a common foreign and security policy , particularly vis-a-vis the East and Central European countries ; the lack of such a policy has unfortunately prevented effective EC action in the former Yugoslavia .
16 As Derek Hatton , Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council put it , ‘ We 'd want to make sure that … those who are employed to manage and carry out the policies which we decide are those who are in general sympathy with those policies ’ ( Gyford , 1985b , p. 58 ) .
17 Lazy bitch , she was : lying on this couch day after day feeling too bad to move ; but she could go upstairs and carry out the duties of a wife whenever the fancy took her .
18 If money is a problem , we in ‘ Spokes ’ have a group of experienced path-building volunteers , who could organise and carry out the work .
19 3.2 The Landlord shall procure that as soon as in the opinion of the Architect the Works on the Premises are sufficiently advanced to enable the Tenant to commence and carry out the Tenant 's Works the Architect shall give notice to the Tenant to that effect
20 The team is liaising with manufacturers on the design and development of CFC-free refrigeration equipment and identifying the skills needed to evaluate and carry out the conversions .
21 At Level One students will work as individuals or in small groups to plan and carry out an investigation into an aspect of Community Welfare with limited support from the tutor .
22 There was no other option as the Hurseys live in a known highrisk parvovirus area and carrying around a Great Dane puppy in a blanket to acclimatise him to street life — as one might with Yorkshire terrier pup — is hardly practical AND needs a very large owner !
23 She loved sitting up with the children until long past bedtime , playing silly games or just holding them in her arms and carrying on a conversation at their absurd level .
24 In an attempt to counter their rise , NME became more and more lifestyle-oriented , dabbling in fashion and ideology to an ever-greater extent and carrying on a crusade for black music with a barely disguised contempt for mainstream rock .
25 The European Court confirmed that the dispositions of the EC treaty relating to the rights of establishment forbid member states to prevent a person from establishing himself in a state and carrying on the profession of auditor on the grounds that that person is already established and recognised as an auditor in another member state .
26 Providing , that is , that he signified his intentions of commencing his partnership one month before the commencement of any of the sub-terms , and beforehand to pay a full one-quarter share of the cost of digging and winning and carrying on the said works .
27 It 's a question of recognition for the Union and we 're quite prepared , and looking forward , to going back there and carrying on the work that we were doing before .
28 That circular laid the duty on governors and headteachers of developing and carrying out a plan for the school — a plan which took account of the full range of their responsibilities under the 1988 Act .
29 By setting up a trust for All Souls and carrying out the essential repairs , SAVE has demonstrated that even the most problematic redundant churches in the most difficult locations need not be a lost cause .
30 A player landing on a Point Of Order square must decide whether they want an Aye or No before picking a card and carrying out the instructions on the card ( for example — ‘ David Owen backs you , lose 50 votes ’ ) .
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