Example sentences of "and approve by the " in BNC.

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1 As his own prose essays on ‘ Nature ’ were being admired by the adolescent girls in the Young People 's Guild at the Unitarian chapel , and approved by the minister , by his father and by Ashcroft Noble , and eventually published in sectarian and national journals , Edward discovered the English poets , first slowly under imposition and then , in a rush , in his father 's wide-ranging library .
2 Then I turned to the other side of the coin — the Civil War that might break out , even if Reunion were voted in by a majority and approved by the Dáil .
3 Of the four university colleges , only Nottingham was a substantial provider of Chapter III courses , in the East Midlands , and here again as the provision pre-dated the 1932 Regulations , existing practice was recognised and approved by the Board of Education .
4 A list of the social and economic problems which could be identified was drawn up by the Executive Committee and approved by the full Association .
5 One suggestion has been that the Government would agree to amendments in December 1991 , with the reservation that these would not be binding upon the United Kingdom unless and until they had been ratified and approved by the United Kingdom parliament .
6 The design and size of the roof timbers is governed by the Building Regulations and approved by the local authority .
7 A further 1.21 million hectares were added to the LFA and approved by the EEC 's Council of Ministers in February 1984 .
8 The Roman Catholic Catechism drawn up by Dr. James Butler and approved by the 4 Roman Catholic Archbishops of Ireland gives this definition on page 32 — ‘ Purgatory — a place of cleansing . ’
9 Usually , this is granted to publications written by the clergy and approved by the church — in our case , it was awarded for services to the lesbian and gay community , and for generally being a good magazine .
10 We would again point out that whereas the Committee has produced ‘ evidence ’ from a politically motivated group , the British BSSRS ( sic ) and an emotionally committed woman , Nancy Tait , our plant has been assessed and approved by the IIRS , Cork County Council , Cork County Medical Officer , An Taisce and the IDA .
11 When the study-group reports and recommendations had been submitted and approved by the hierarchy , transition teams were established to manage the process of implementing the recommendations .
12 Novices should get professional instruction at a riding school which has been inspected and approved by the British Horse Society .
13 Upon alternative access for heavy vehicles to a public highway being made available to the satisfaction of the local planning authority the use of Gillingham Gate for heavy vehicles shall be discontinued or reduced in accordance with details which shall have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority .
14 The local authority appealed against that part of the order by which the justices purported to direct that the guardian ad litem be allowed to have continued involvement with L. on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to attach a condition to the care order which had been agreed by the parties and approved by the justices ; ( 2 ) in the alternative , the justices had no jurisdiction to make the direction , because ( i ) it had the effect of fettering the discretion of the local authority in the exercise of its functions under section 33 of the Children Act 1989 , and ( ii ) the justices had no power to order the guardian ad litem to ‘ have continued involvement ’ once the proceedings had been concluded by the making of an order under section 41 of the Children Act 1989 ; and ( 3 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to make a direction which anticipated a further application before the court , the justices power to give directions in respect of future applications being confined to a prohibition of further specified applications under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 .
15 So our boards , sails , operating methods , safety boats and staff have been examined and approved by the highest UK national authority .
16 For this purpose , nine institutions are currently recognized and approved by the DES : Birmingham , Brighton , Bristol , Leeds , Leicester , Liverpool , Middlesex and Manchester Polytechnics and the former Cardiff College of Art , now merged into the South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education .
17 The treasurer 's report was presented by the chairman and approved by the meeting .
18 8.8 To ensure that appropriate use is made of the available line management support arrangements , all requests for external counselling must be discussed with the employee and approved by the relevant District Manager .
19 The unique range , dubbed Prince 's Trust by the fashion pundits , was specially ordered and approved by the grand master of pop for him and his backing group , sultry duo Diamond and Pearl .
20 The treasurer 's report was presented by the chairman and approved by the meeting .
21 However , the flexibility built into the Structure Plan policies , as modified and approved by the Secretary of State , clearly enabled that land to be identified , allocated , granted consent , and developed prior to 1991 — to ensure that there need be no constraints on developers concerned to contribute to the supply but who had no access to the base land supply .
22 What is wanted out of a mission is contained in a briefing paper , drawn up in advance by the mission chief and approved by the managing director of the IMF .
23 This approach was clearly adopted by the Court of Appeal in Cehave v. Bremer ( The Hansa Nord ) ( 1975 ) and approved by the House of Lords in Reardon Smith Line v. Hansen-Tangen ( 1976 ) .
24 The use of the computer is subject to guidelines agreed and approved by the police service .
25 The potential acquirors identified by the research process must be discussed with and approved by the client prior to the initial contact .
26 It is not KPMG 's role to undertake the drafting of legally binding contracts ; all drafting should be carried out or reviewed in detail and approved by the client 's lawyers .
27 It is not KPMG 's role to undertake the drafting of legally binding contracts ; all drafting should be carried out or reviewed in detail and approved by the client 's lawyers .
28 It is not KPMG 's role to undertake the drafting of legally binding contracts ; all drafting should be carried out or reviewed in detail and approved by the client 's lawyers .
29 The appropriations bill for fiscal 1990 adopted on July 20 by the House and approved by the Senate on Sept. 28 had included a request to the HUD to develop rules prohibiting the use of outside consultants to acquire future contracts under the remaining funds in the programme .
30 The measure , which had been drawn up by congressional leaders and administration officials and approved by the House of Representatives on Nov. 1 by 382 votes to 37 , represented an alternative to the minimum wage bill passed by Congress in May and vetoed by President Bush .
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