Example sentences of "and i walk [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 did exactly the same , and I walked around with scabs two inches long .
2 The sun went in again and I walked on .
3 She turned and went back towards her house , and I walked on to Baskerville Hall .
4 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
5 I gave him a pound coin and promised him another if he did his stuff and I walked over to Mrs Newton 's front door .
6 The man moved away , in surprise , and I walked over to the desk .
7 In a police statement Conley , of Park End , said : ‘ I saw Wayne by the fence and I walked over to him .
8 After midnight Nell said she was going to bed , and I walked up the train with her to her roomette , almost opposite mine .
9 Holmes and I walked up and down in front of the house .
10 And I walked up the village this morning the birds were singing their songs
11 In fact , on all the windows wired up now , and I walked up to him , and I just said , would you like to give to me , son , and he turned round and looked at me , and to my great surprise he gave it to me .
12 Went in this yard this place had oh lovely gates and I walked through straight up to the house and ring the bell , and it 's
13 I 've seen this fella on the back of the bus with his bird and that and I walked down and was sitting by them and he was tooting gear , y'know , behind the back seat like that and he threw a load of gear over to me and said : ‘ Here , d' you want some of this ? ’ , y'know , monging , off his head , like .
14 Masses were ending everywhere in Dublin , and I walked back to my hotel through streams of home-going worshippers .
15 By then it was too late to get the room and I walked back to the spot where I had committed the robbery .
16 Jim Groeling and I walked back through his house .
17 The police sounded surprised that I had bothered to call them , and I walked back to the boatyard feeling strangely foolish .
18 That afternoon , my feelings soothed with company and talk , Sally and I walked back down the bright valley through cricket-loud grasses and thousands of flowers .
19 Next morning , as Wemmick and I walked back to London , I noticed his face becoming dryer and harder , and his mouth becoming more like a post-box again .
20 Still , it was the hangover of that piece of moral cowardice at Lochgair station , along with everything else , that led to me feeling so profoundly awful with myself that evening ( after the train finally did get into Queen Street and I walked back , soaked and somehow no longer hungry , in the rain to the empty flat in Grant Street ) , that mum had to call me there , because I had n't been able to bring myself to phone her and dad … and I still managed to feign sleep and a little shame and a smattering of sorrow and reassure her as best I could that really I was all right , yes of course , not to worry , I was fine , thanks for calling … and so of course after that felt even worse .
21 Benjamin and I walked back into the hall .
22 sort it out and I walked off and like I just walked away and Achil and thingy were laughing at , you know , cos not at me at how crap
23 fucking , fucking crap and as I was saying that my voice broke and I walked off and I started crying
24 I just walked down and I walked in and there was Scott with his top off , Emma nearly ha Emma half naked .
25 we followed him over to Albans and I walked in and he goes , he goes oh it 's my disciples
26 And I walked out
27 A quick shower in the bright pink bathroom with its already peeling tiles , more cream , a fast selection of long skirt and blouse , a final comb through my hair , and I walked out into the sun .
28 I have n't stayed in for about two months , about eight weeks , not one night , and he goes , ‘ I think you should stay in at least one ’ , and I goes , ‘ If you think I 'm staying in then you get lost , because I 'm not staying in this flaming house ’ , and he goes , ‘ You 're staying when I tell you to ’ , and I goes , ‘ I wo n't ’ , and I walked out and came back ten minutes later and said , ‘ I 'm going out , all right ? ’ and he goes , ‘ Okay ’ , and he give me some money to go out and come up here [ to the youth club ] .
29 I said , ‘ I hope you 'll all be fucking happy ’ , and I walked out .
30 After the wedding , Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o'Field to see Darnley and talk to him .
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