Example sentences of "[n mass] that [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fundamental point that you have to grasp is that parents want any transfers between their siblings that will result in a net gain for the , a , sorry , parents want any transfers between their offspring that result in a net gain for reproductive success .
2 If you are catching 6-pounders and want to catch 8lb bream , then move to another swim , or fish that swim at a different time .
3 Copepods Parabroteas sarsi and Pseudoboeckella poppei overwinter only as eggs in water bodies that freeze completely or become anoxic ; in large lakes they are active year-round , breeding in late winter to produce nauplii that feed on the early plankton bloom .
4 Atlantic storm petrels Hydrobates pelagicus and Leach 's storm petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa are temperate species that breed within the arctic fringe only in Iceland and Labrador .
5 Of 47 species that occur in the Antarctic region , Wallwork ( 1973 ) considers about 70% endemic ; 17 species occur in continental and maritime Antarctica .
6 ‘ The limitations on artists who wish to make works that respond to the contemporary world of existing mass media images will be very confining indeed ’ , one critic warned .
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