Example sentences of "and [was/were] met [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some officers broke ranks and were met with a volley of stones .
2 They arrived safely and were met by the royal purveyor from Kinghorn ( also called Alexander ) who had brought horses down to the beach for the royal party ; these included the King 's favourite , a white mare called Tamesin which he had left at Kinghorn for the Queen 's own use .
3 If they needed further proof of their belief that they were on the right track , they were given it when they went to arrest Griffiths and were met by a hail of bullets ; after a chase in which Griffiths killed one man and wounded others , he was shot dead while resisting arrest .
4 Lydia and Betty were the first to arrive and were met by two of the farm dogs — one charming , one not , like pairs of detective inspectors .
5 Most of the southern states resisted this and in one particular state one that 's sprung to prominence in recent times , the State of Arkansas er and its capital Little Rock , the then state governor , who was n't then Bill Clinton but a man called Orville Forbus defied the supreme court 's order and on a historic day in nineteen fifty four a little troupe of black children trooped up to the local high school and were met by armed , armed police and turned away .
6 , and I flew to Agra in the evening , and were met by the British Council driver .
7 The Sinn Fein president 's appearance , and the invitation of the unofficial Labour Committee on Ireland , was condemned by senior party figures , and was met with a candlelight protest by local Conservatives .
8 This was announced at our February meeting and was met with great approval from the fifty or so members present .
9 Once he went to the house in Stone Alley and was met at the door by Maggie Byrne , but she only wanted to talk about the undersized child in her arms whose life he had saved .
10 He was greeted by 5,000 UNITA supporters and was met at the airport by government representatives .
11 On his arrival the AOC in C inspected a Guard of Honour mounted by No 1279 Squadron Air Training Corps and was met by our President Air Chief Marshal Sir Joseph Gilbert , the Chairman of Central Council Air Vice-Marshal Bill Bailey and the Chairman of RAFA Housing Ltd Roy Kendrick .
12 He landed , with a vast army , on 30th June 1086 and was met by Motamid and the Moslem Kings of Granada and Malaga at the head of their own forces .
13 It was from here , I reflected , looking through the windows at a small scattered town , that the despatcher had spoken to George and me the previous evening : and while I watched , George appeared outside and was met by a man who came from the station .
14 Childhood sexuality , especially , within this harbour of emotional and sexual restraint ( ideologically at least ) , posed a particular challenge , and was met by simultaneous ( and of course , contradictory ) denial and control .
15 DR CAROLINE Jackson , MEP , visited Harwell last month and was met by Dr John Rae , Business Development Executive , Government .
16 His election followed renewed conflict between the conference and Mobutu and was met by scenes of jubilation in Kinshasa .
17 Following the approaches of a member of the Frankish aristocracy , however , he returned to Gaul in 582/3 , and was met by Theodore , bishop of Marseilles .
18 The Queen flew into Lanacka Airport and was met by the Greek Cypriot President , Mr Clarides .
19 Ally McCoist headed Rangers ' crucial second goal after 59 minutes and was met by stunned silence from 25,118 home fans .
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