Example sentences of "and [pron] the hell " in BNC.

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1 And who the hell IS management ? ’ he demanded , his voice rising .
2 They talked about the difficulty of getting food in , when all they could find was Chinese takeaway ; about strange knocks at the door of the hotel room , and why the Iranians sometimes left unexpectedly , and who the hell they were really dealing with ; about North 's pressing need for aspirin ; and about getting the hostages out , for which the only foreseeable currency was arms .
3 And who the hell are you ?
4 And who the hell is that ? ’ demanded Pearce of the Police Constable .
5 And then to Cardiff : ‘ And who the hell is blondie , anyway ? ’
6 He said they were the self-indulgent ramblings of a patches-on-the-elbow peasant , and who the hell did he think he was anyway ?
7 Lousy film and what the hell is going on here ?
8 And what the hell was the coroner going to say ?
9 And what the hell were ye doin' when all this was goin' on ? ’ he demanded harshly .
10 And what the hell will this do to my tournament ? ’
11 " And what the Hell do you think you 're up to ? "
12 And what the hell had happened when he 'd first met Rohmer ?
13 And what the hell does all that mean ? ’ asked Pearce .
14 Instead , she curled her lip and said : ‘ And what the hell has your maleness got to do with it .
15 And what the hell 's wrong with your ankle ? ’
16 And what the hell business of yours is all this anyway , Sergeant ? ’
17 ‘ Ah 'm Iain , this is Nils , Mrs Sunderby is Iris — no , better call her Eeris , she responds to that much quicker — ye 're Peter , or Pete for short , and what the hell we call Gómez we 'll find out in due course .
18 But pink suits me , she thought , and what the hell , my hips are still trim enough to be clung to .
19 " And what the hell do you think you 're crying about ?
20 And what the hell had happened to the mild , gentle humour he 'd been displaying since he 'd arrived ?
21 A man who was so evasive , so totally uncaring of anyone 's feelings — and what the hell had he meant about a relationship ?
22 Worst of all , what if my mind goes completely blank with panic and I ca n't even remember who I am , never mind who 's coming on next and what the hell this one is talking about now ?
23 And what the hell did you think it did to me ?
24 And what the hell when it was suppertime .
25 In fact now she was away from him she could think of a hundred and one things she should have said — done — and what the hell was the matter with this damned car ?
26 ‘ Who the blazes are you ? ’ he demanded , ‘ and what the hell are you doing on my boat ? ’
27 And what the hell 's that supposed to mean ? ’
28 Here we are , two ex-lovers , talking about another pair of ex-lovers , and what the hell has it to do with us and what the hell do you hope to gain by keeping me here ?
29 Here we are , two ex-lovers , talking about another pair of ex-lovers , and what the hell has it to do with us and what the hell do you hope to gain by keeping me here ?
30 And what the hell 's the cost of two people gon na
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