Example sentences of "and [adj] the rest " in BNC.

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1 Thus ‘ Somebody Knockin' ’ would have sat happily on ‘ Exile On Main Street ’ ( as would ‘ Cutting The Rug ’ and half the rest of the album ) , ‘ Time Gone By ’ has all the shambling grace of The Faces and everything is beef with tunes , guitars with feeling and amplifiers with revolvers and somehow it all sounds fresh as dew .
2 He seems not to have whined , and his only complaint , posthumously recorded by Bunting in his obituary of Pound , is drily judicious : he ‘ said in the Thirties that Eliot had got stuck because he could not understand Propertius [ i.e. Pound 's Homage ] and ill the rest had not stuck a few books earlier still ’ .
3 Grant that , and all the rest makes sense as well …
4 If I never did anything but sit in this room and powder my face and tell you what a clever fool you are , i should still be heavens high above the millions of common women who do their domestic duty , and sacrifice themselves , and run Trade departments and all the rest of the vulgarities .
5 Genius is the bust of Beethoven and Keats dying and Shelley dying and the size of War and Peace and poor old Sartre banging away at his trilogy and Hemingway paring it down to its essence and Monet unable to distinguish colours any more and Picasso staring out at the camera with his chest bare and his eyes blazing and Cézanne snarling like a dog and then walking out of Aix with his canvas and paints on his back to paint that mountain and Byron dying and Pushkin dying and all the rest of it .
6 And all the rest of it .
7 So for the rest of the month I was in charge of wages , piece rates , training , negotiations and all the rest of it , and then one day a month I was regularly calling on the same customers in Bloomsbury and I was collecting money , selling the goods and so on , which I think was a very important part of my continued training .
8 And all the rest of humanity which offended you , too : Jews , gipsies , the mentally handicapped , Poles , Russians — the Untermensch — — the subhuman , subhuman because they did not have blue eyes and blond hair , white skin or , that vaguest , and because most vague , most potent of myths , the right blood .
9 Elaborate pricing mechanisms — the K-factors and all the rest — were set up by the government before the sell-off ; they were aimed at helping the industry , which had long been a victim of under-investment , to pay for a capital-spending programme of at least £18 billion over the next decade .
10 I think I knew , even then , that she needed not only my mother , but my father , and all the rest of us , to fix her bearings and to keep her world in focus .
11 And then on 10 April 1544 came Henry 's chilling order to his brother-in-law Edward , earl of Hertford , to put all to fire and sword , burn Edinburgh town , so razed and defaced when you have sacked and gotten what ye can of it , as there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon ( them ) for their falsehood and disloyalty … and as many towns and villages about Edinburgh as ye may conveniently , sack Leith and burn and subvert it and all the rest , putting man , woman and child to fire and sword , without exception where any resistance shall be made against you ; and this done , pass over to the Fifeland and extend like extremities and destructions in all towns and villages whereunto you may reach conveniently , not forgetting among all the rest so to spoil and turn upside down the Cardinal 's town of St Andrews , as the upper stone may be the nether , and not one stick stand by another , sparing no creature alive within the same …
12 Capitalist accompanies its development with a fanfare about freedom of choice , free markets , and all the rest of it .
13 Set your mind on God 's kingdom and his justice before everything else and all the rest will come to you as well .
14 Told me I was jumping to conclusions and weaving fantasies and all the rest of it .
15 As the bard repeated the welcome to the cheering crowd , Lachlan , Hector and all the rest drank to the health of young Eachuinn Og .
16 I would rather abandon Eton , Winchester , Harrow and all the rest of them than sacrifice the advantage of the grammar school . ’
17 With weight belt , ankle weights and all the rest of the clobber , I struggled to remember the buddy checks .
18 Anyone who had had that knew a bit about the Treasury and knew a little bit about fighting back and working round them and all the rest of it and of giving orders direct to the Chancellor and saying , ‘ Look , this is what we must have ’ , and then getting the Cabinet to back it , so that it was harder for the Treasury to say ‘ No . ’
19 When the sergeant had been to every man , made sure that he had his key , his baton , boots were clean , and all the rest of it , then he told the man when to take his refreshments and what beat he was on .
20 About twelve months later , I was walking around the Dingle and saw this chap coming down the road , brand new suit and all the rest of it , with his wife and kid .
21 Most women say they can cope with the idea of afternoons and evenings , holidays and all the rest ; but the thought of 9 am on a weekday when a couple look at each other and the husband says he 's got nothing to do fills many wives with horror .
22 Three are British , and all the rest American ( including a few immigrants to the US ) .
23 You could n't care less about education and health and all the rest of it .
24 Then I looked at the rest of myself , and all the rest of me was a …
25 She said you were interning with a stockbroker and it was a special summer programme , so all the best and all the rest everyone else has already said to you .
26 Perhaps no other way will I and all the rest of us have the freedom and justice and equality that is ours by right .
27 ‘ He 's very sharp , and it took him a good while to accustom himself to the flowers , the boards , the judge 's car , or the judge 's box and all the rest of it .
28 Toast the muffin and put a tablespoon of the sauce on it , together with a drip of oil , some mozzarella cheese and all the rest of the ingredients .
29 In a Socialist state , a lot of our left-wing writers — people like Edward Upward , Christopher Caudwell , Alec Brown , Arthur Calder-Marshall and all the rest of them — who have specialised in attacking the society they live in , would have nothing to attack . ’
30 It seems his effort , which is what has taken two weeks ’ — he glanced at Jim Donaldson as he spoke — ‘ to portray himself as the guy trying to help Zack , and all the rest of us here and there as the bad guys making problems , has worked .
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