Example sentences of "and [verb] rise to " in BNC.

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1 Sex-linked Abnormalities , which affect the sex chromosomes , and give rise to various abnormalities , of which some cause mental handicap .
2 Those shining metals are as the veritable trail of the serpent ; they follow inevitably in the wake of civilisations , and give rise to crowded and smoky manufacturing towns , while spreading abroad an unrestful desire for travel with all its concomitant worries and brain wear .
3 These older cells undergo a second migration and give rise to a variety of cell types quite alien to the site at which they had arrived in their first migration , suggesting that there is a mixed population of cells at each site at the end of migration and the conditions at each site favour the growth and differentiation of specific members of the mixed population ; the others fail to flourish and presumably die .
4 Seen to be an ‘ effect ’ of the Universal or Unified Field , it is able to transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and give rise to a physical formation of those patterns — in other words , the field is believed to be the agent for creation , growth and development throughout nature .
5 Nonetheless , the model results suggest that under current conditions heterogeneous processes involving PSCs reduce total ozone in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere by about 40DU and give rise to a local loss of over 20% .
6 In any operations that include the use of soap , the hardness is detrimental , because lime soaps are formed that waste soap and give rise to sticky deposits on fabric and machines .
7 An identical combination of light rays will strike the eye of each observer , will be focused on their normal retinas by their normal eye lenses and give rise to similar images .
8 Assume that 20 per cent of the records are equally frequently accessed and give rise to 80 per cent of the total transactions .
9 On the basis of these findings a model can be suggested to explain how noxious stimulation can lead to induction of c -fos and give rise to the neurophysiological and behavioural changes seen in pain states .
10 These results suggested that open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters are unstable , and that initiated complexes are stable enough to resist the heparin challenge and give rise to elongation complexes .
11 On the one hand , the commitment of the Soviet leadership to scientific and technical progress , as reflected in the comparative size of the R and D effort , was confirmed in the new larger study ; on the other hand , it was clear that the institutional framework was excessively bureaucratic and give rise to economic behaviour which actively discouraged innovation .
12 The marketer , therefore , needs to understand the needs or wants that inspire individual motivation , and give rise to particular forms of purchase behaviour .
13 Unclear guidance on this point could cause confusion over what information should be made available , and give rise to demands for information not covered by the disclosure provisions .
14 The pitch patterns of a foreign language applied to English sound wrong and give rise to difficulties of communication .
15 [ It is ] likely to cause embarrassment to certain people and give rise to the nastier feelings of one or two members of our society .
16 Valence-valence excitations and valence-virtual excitations may be considered together , and give rise to valence-electron excitation spectra .
17 However , the change in trade patterns induced by the creation of a CU could result in alterations to the competitive environment , and give rise to opportunities to reap economies of scale .
18 They are used to ‘ tan ’ leather and give rise to the ‘ termite-proof ’ and ‘ teredo-proof ’ timbers so prized in tropical construction .
19 When employees receive benefits from the trust , these are unarguably acquired by virtue of employment and give rise to a Schedule E income tax charge , unless they are granted options structured so as to avoid a Schedule E charge on grant ( see s135 Taxes Act ) .
20 The program line would be interpreted as and give rise to an interesting crop of error messages .
21 The first two of these are generally the most important and give rise to rates and methods for temporal and international comparison .
22 Such resistances raise the attenuation constant to a finite value in the pass bands and give rise to finite power dissipation in the filter .
23 In the absence of anything so spectacular , the most impressive parts of the speech were those which declared how Germany had successfully surmounted the most severe test in the previous winter , and those indicating the exploitation of the material resources of the occupied territories and giving rise to hopes of improved foodstuff provisioning at home .
24 It is now known , however , that it is made up of basaltic rocks , derived indirectly from peridotite , and erupted by volcanic action along the ridge itself , building up the long submarine mountain range and giving rise to the relatively few volcanoes which poke their heads above sea level .
25 Both countries had been over-producing against their OPEC quotas for some time , helping depress prices gradually and giving rise to familiar bouts of recrimination between them and other member states with higher absorptive capacities for revenues .
26 The stillness , the cool , the quiet of the building all combined to produce an effect that was overwhelming and gave rise to a feeling of expectation .
27 Scientific breakthroughs made this seem possible and gave rise to the Green Revolution .
28 The Thom case was exceptional and gave rise to something of a public outcry .
29 Charles Caldwell , the leading phrenologist in the US in the 1850s , called on women to stop wearing corsets , as they stopped the circulation of the blood and gave rise to ‘ many forms of painful and annoying diseases ’ .
30 As the struggle progressed he came to see the inadequacies of the term and realized that it was too constricted in its meaning and gave rise to confusion and misunderstanding .
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