Example sentences of "and [verb] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was her sole reason for getting up at all , the only incentive to clothe and feed herself and drag herself from her bedroom where she would much prefer to stay .
2 Fei Yen took her drink and seated herself beside her husband , facing the other men .
3 She turned and regarded him , and after a moment walked slowly and deliberately to the Ancient Throne of Niall of the Nine Hostages and seated herself on it .
4 Victoria came up the room and seated herself on the couch , and without either greeting or preamble , she said , ‘ I 've had indigestion ever since Christmas Day .
5 Loretta followed her into a spacious drawing-room , and seated herself in a chair to one side of the tiled fireplace , while Veronica took the chair opposite .
6 ‘ Sunday , then , ’ she said , and damned herself for the note of desperation in her voice .
7 She went into the empty staff-room and helping herself to a cup of coffee , she sank wearily into a chair .
8 Here , the manageress Giovanna has been welcoming guests for 30 years and prides herself on offering a simple , comfortable hotel and a good choice of menu .
9 Eva found herself about four rows back , wondering what was to happen next and chiding herself for not thinking to check beforehand .
10 ‘ You 've got to have the right bloke mind , ’ Yanto smiled at her , as she stood up and shrouded herself in his blanket .
11 Martha , the nurse on duty , proved to be a real dog-lover and insisted that Zephyr could go of her lead and make herself at home .
12 She went and took a grey pleated skirt from her case and zipped herself into it .
13 She crawled on to the bed and hugged herself like a child with no one there to bring comfort .
14 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
15 But she did not answer him , only bent and lowered herself into the water , hissing as the coldness burned into the wound , a faint moan escaping through her gritted teeth as she began to wash .
16 Suddenly a wave of total panic swept across her like nausea and she had to resist the urge to dash from the car and hide herself among the trees .
17 She pulled back the front curtain vigorously and revealed herself to be young and jolly-looking .
18 Augustus John 's ‘ leonine personality ’ was well known , as was Wilson Steer 's total life devotion to his ‘ absorbing passion for painting , ’ 12 or Sickert 's arrogant self-belief — all artists Walker admired as the best and aligned herself with .
19 She loved them , and she loved the work though it left her with little time for going out and enjoying herself in the evenings .
20 But Christine put the fern back on the sill and deflated herself into an armchair by the window .
21 She had to seduce Jim by whipping off a false beard disguise and transforming herself into an exotic belly-dancer .
22 But then I realised you had joined the queue of dolour — I take it from your sparkling eyes that Lucy 's dropped her drawers and flung herself into sapphic bliss ? ’
23 Cora-Beth jumped up from her chair and flung herself into her father 's arms .
24 The gate to a tiny courtyard was open and , for an instant , Lindsey hung back , watching in rapt fascination as a dark-haired , slender figure came hurrying down the steps towards them , cloth in hand , and flung herself into Niall 's arms .
25 Tallis ran to Swimmer of Lakes and flung herself across its back , twisting into a sitting position and quickly flinging a simple rope harness around its neck .
26 She ran past him , and flung herself on the door , fumbling with the catch .
27 Robyn swore and flung herself at the stove , trying to scrape what was left of the bacon away from the bottom of the pan .
28 Robbie screamed and flung herself against the protective width of Fen 's chest .
29 For a craven moment she was tempted to go back and throw herself on the mercy of the landlady .
30 She licked her fingers and applied herself to her beer .
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