Example sentences of "and [verb] themselves [art] " in BNC.

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1 The children are going to have them at home anyway , so if the teachers deny themselves this extra resource , and deny themselves the experience which the children can bring , I think they 're cutting themselves off from a tremendous source of encouragement and motivation .
2 At Yanto 's suggestion they had each gone off and found themselves a long thin stick apiece .
3 There is a story that two painters had been drinking until dawn and , on hearing the news of the occupation on the radio , went out and found themselves an inspector of police .
4 Maybe they 'll launch a putsch and get themselves a new chairman . ’
5 Bacteria which normally divide and reproduce themselves every twenty minutes can also form themselves into environmentally resistant spores capable of lying dormant , even entombed in rock , for maybe millions of years before a change of circumstance permits their release with continued growth and reproduction .
6 There they will hire a minibus and drive themselves the 1,000 kilometres overland to Bophuthatswana .
7 As in the NUM strike of 1984 , the women have been the backbone of this struggle : dressed in camouflage and calling themselves the Daughters of Mother Jones , after the legendary union organiser from the turn of the century , they have walked the picket lines , sat in front of coal trucks , and been arrested .
8 But for the moment there is precious little good news from the brothers who built the world 's largest advertising agency from a standing start 19 years ago , in the process building Mrs Thatcher into a formidable vote-winner and doing themselves no end of good thereby .
9 Meanwhile , with Brian and Dolly 's help , Kirsty and Nick are fighting to regain their health and to build themselves a future .
10 The Hays were also Scottish , but they were from Edinburgh and thought themselves a bit superior to most of their neighbours .
11 For they that sometime step up and play with them , when they can not play their parts , they disorder the play and do themselves no good .
12 The search operation implies units of soldiers taking a village apart , over-turning haystacks , looking under floor coverings and making themselves a thoroughly unpleasant nuisance ; any Protest would merit instant reprisal .
13 People prefer to be opportunists and leave themselves the flexibility of ‘ seeing what happens and reacting accordingly ’ .
14 English scholars , all classicists or ex-classicists , hurried to catch up and prove themselves the equals of the Germans in philological and textual skill .
15 It was indeed amazing that the geese did not cackle ; that so many young people held their peace and denied themselves the self-importance of being known to possess a supreme secret .
16 She had thought the quantities of gilt ( never did she credit that it might be real gold ) an evidence of shocking vulgarity , had sneered at the bad taste of the ornate picture frames , at the ridiculous excesses of the pictures themselves , and had felt a solid , suburban scorn for the frayed and patched tapestry chair seats and the faded hangings : she had wondered why , if so rich , they did not throw out their tatty Persian coverings , and buy themselves a good bit of fitted Wilton or Axminster in a good plain colour .
17 Yet it is not uncommon for people who can not get to sleep , or who have woken up , to get up in the middle of the night and to make themselves a snack because they are hungry .
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