Example sentences of "and [verb] a decision " in BNC.

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1 Can I also say that the erm the fear expressed about Woolwich , I believe to be fairly well founded Woolwich building , a Woolwich er , Building Society had been on erm , entered into a long time ago on this erm and the letter that was read out at Potter Street area committee from Woolwich indicated that they had n't yet decided whether they would proceed and er I think is I 've talked to the publican since they have promised us an answer this week er we are intending , we have spoken , Dermot 's also spoken to our managing director we are confident we will have an answer from this week and I have to tell you that I think the answer will either no , or it will be so hazy that we 'll need to take some action and make a decision .
2 Can I just say to you that that 's already been developed and worked out we 're intending in the next cycle to bring you proposals for a housing strategy , er on social housing , and within that we 're intending to run a series of short seminars for members to give members , all members , not just members of this committee but members of all area committees until everybody has that information background information on things like , social housing , partnerships , housing association grant so that everybody 's in a position to actually er , see and make a decision on what this council wants out of social housing , but all of that will take place in the next cycle Chair .
3 He might … do no more than examine goods or work or accounts and make a decision accordingly .
4 My Lord Mayor , I move that the motion and amendment be referred to the Policy and Resources Committee for that Committee to consider the matter and make a decision and that the right of any member of that Committee to refer the matter to Council be removed under standing order A twenty three .
5 Friday and make a decision on Friday without panicking into a decision .
6 we could hopefully try and make a decision
7 I mean basically you say the bloke says we 're going to sit down and make a decision tonight
8 WILLEM GERHARDUS HILLS filled his lungs with Yorkshire night air , raised his tracksuit collar against the biting cold and announced a decision that could change his life .
9 ‘ The FA should have been brave and made a decision either to eliminate Peterborough or allow the 9-1 result to stand .
10 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
11 It was the clubs which had to be dragged screaming into the national club competition , the All Ireland League , two seasons ago after dithering and delaying a decision for years .
12 The Libyan leader , Col. Moamer al Kadhafi , sent his congratulations to Déby on Dec. 5 , and welcomed a decision to repatriate 2,000 Libyan prisoners of war held since the end of the 1986-87 war .
13 It has been held , for example , that a gypsy living on a caravan site provided by a local authority under statute has sufficient interest to challenge a decision by the authority no longer to provide the site or any alternative ; and to challenge a decision by the Minister not to exercise his statutory default power .
14 This requests the court to review and quash a decision by a minister or local authority .
15 This was the first major loan contracted by Kuwait and followed a decision taken in July to fund post-war reconstruction through international borrowing rather than through the sale of Kuwaiti assets abroad .
16 erm Your comment on wards , I think this is a way of the officers giving us something to work on and take a decision on .
17 By contrast , the policy of successive British Governments has been that we should make and announce a decision formally ‘ recognising ’ the new government .
18 After my uncle 's death in April 1976 he visited Wyvis Hall on perhaps two , or at the most three , separate occasions simply for the purpose of looking it over and reaching a decision about the disposal of furniture and effects .
19 To express the awkwardness of the Spartan position Thucydides uses awkward language ( i.88 ) : the Spartans voted , he says , that the ‘ libations ’ had been broken and took a decision for war not so much because they were persuaded by the arguments of their allies as because they were afraid of the growth of Athenian power .
20 All their Lordships need to say is that having carefully considered the arguments advanced , in the manner indicated by Griffiths L.J. , they can see no ground upon which Barnett J. would have been justified in taking the decision-making power out of the hands of the district judge , and substituting a decision of his own .
21 Three patients had parental histories incompatible with event recordings and patterns on the recordings suggestive of suffocation ; judicial proceedings resulted in separation of these patients from the suspected abusers , permanently in two and awaiting a decision in the third .
22 It was now called Growth and to get a decision on anything , you had to have a committee meeting , and as I pointed out , if it was going to continue this way , David would lose interest totally .
23 Ideally PROs should check every name on the complete list and take a decision on whether or not each person will really be interested in the release .
24 The UN Security Council convened on Oct. 8 to discuss the shootings and the next day the USA proposed a draft resolution condemning the Israeli action and welcoming a decision taken by Pérez de Cuellar to send an investigative mission to Jerusalem .
25 When he had gathered enough information to feel in command of an issue , he required peace and quiet to order his thoughts , assimilate the information within the framework of his part-instinctual , part-rational world-view , and reach a decision .
26 After days of speculation about his future following the collapse of any central authority in the former Soviet Union and following a decision at the Dec. 21 Alma Ata meeting to abolish the post of President , Mikhail Gorbachev announced his resignation on Dec. 25 in a speech on All-Union Television .
27 Zoe goes for it and plucks up some courage while Leonard asserts himself and makes a decision .
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