Example sentences of "[n mass] [was/were] [vb pp] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The predicted group membership corresponded to the actual group in 100% of cases in the basal condition , 80% in the 100 mg/day gliadin microchallenge group ( 10% were misclassified in the other groups ) , 80% in the 500 mg/day gliadin microchallenge ( 20% were misclassified in the 100 mg/day group ) .
2 These data were compared in the hypertensive and normotensive groups , as nearly as possible to the same ages at which these data had been recorded for hypertensive cases .
3 This time , the data were obtained in the following way :
4 Methylase assay : The methylase activity at 30°C and 42°C was measured in the same buffer used for the endonuclease reactions .
5 The need for a mechanism to handle the global environmental data was defined in the early 1980s and the Global Resources Information Database ( GRID ) resulted .
6 In view of the potential theoretical significance of this pattern of responses this data was included in the following analyses .
7 The predicted group membership corresponded to the actual group in 100% of cases in the basal condition , 80% in the 100 mg/day gliadin microchallenge group ( 10% were misclassified in the other groups ) , 80% in the 500 mg/day gliadin microchallenge ( 20% were misclassified in the 100 mg/day group ) .
8 Mr Haynes said that a further charge of £100,000 was expected in the second half .
9 Of the 3978 items supplied to readers , 89% were housed in the Main Building , 8% in the Annexe , and 3% in the Advocates ' Library .
10 Female Wister rats ( Charles Rivers , UK , Ltd ) weighing 100–150 g were housed in the Biomedical Services Unit ( University of Birmingham ) with a 12 hour regular light-dark cycle .
11 Livestock was slaughtered in the worst-hit areas on the Volga , thus rendering any movement and the basis for any future recovery even more precarious .
12 Around 200 people were killed in the six weeks of election campaigning , and nearly 200 on the first day of voting .
13 In the worst incident seven people were killed in the eastern Croatian city of Osijek during clashes between JNA/Serbian and Croat forces on March 8 .
14 At least 20 people were killed in the following two days as the Group of 12 refused to call off the general strike unless Avril left the country .
15 It said 21 people were killed in the 24 hours to Tuesday morning .
16 Outside the National Assembly some 5,000 demonstrators armed with stones and petrol bombs clashed with riot police ; at least 40 people were injured in the five hours of running battles which followed .
17 Seventy people were employed in the various stages of the manufacture of the miniature .
18 Following the question by the right hon. Member for Tweeddale , Ettrick and Lauderdale ( Sir D. Steel ) , is there not essentially a double standard when one delegation can bring whomsoever it likes to the talks , whether those people were born in the Soviet Union or the United States , and another delegation is told whom it can and whom it can not bring ?
19 An adequate explanation must both make clear what an action means to the participants , and how far the same outcome would result if different people were placed in the same context .
20 During this period , it is estimated that half a million people were slaughtered in the communal violence that flooded the country .
21 According to the company , the market is expanding fast : three-quarters of its sales were made in the past 18 months .
22 But while seven new licence sales were signed in the first half , this dropped to only two in the second due to currency turmoil , recession and political uncertainty in mainland Europe .
23 Travelling by any means was forbidden in the Algerian Sahara from the end of May to September , while walking would , in any case , be impossible after March .
24 Grapefruit were discovered in the 18th Century .
25 The majority of works were produced in the dying years of two centuries , our own and that which preceded it .
26 Organised by the Henry Moore Foundation , the City of Paris and the British Council , the exhibition is the first important show devoted to Moore in France since 1977 , when sculptures and drawings were shown in the Orangerie and the Tuileries gardens and the artists ' graphics were exhibited in the Bibliothèque Nationale .
27 The sewage works was built in the mid 1960s and secondary treatment is by biological filtration to the Royal Commission standard .
28 A loss on sale of £54,000 was recognised in the consolidated accounts , made up as follows :
29 In many cases the headquarters were retained in the central region and only the production processes were decentralized .
30 Forty subjects with adenomatous polyps proved histologically of diameter greater than 5 mm were included in the final analysis .
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